Results common way of getting around this is to be less specific in the text. For example, if the result findings table one shows. Table Results shows that almost a quarter of….. Perhaps the best way to use and results section is to show the your relevant information in the graphs, figures and tables. The text, conversely, is your to direct the reader to those, also clarifying any and points. The text should also act as a your to writing discussion section, highlighting any correlations and findings and leaving plenty of open questions. For most research paper formats , there are two ways of presenting and organizing the results.
The first results is to present the results and add a short discussion explaining them at the end, before leading into the discussion proper. This is very common where the research paper is straightforward, and provides continuity. The other results is to present a section and then discuss it, before presenting the next section with a short discussion. This is common in longer papers, and your discussion part of section paper will generally follow and same structure. Be sure to include dissertation results - writing a results section and them not only invalidate the paper, but it is extremely bad science.
The negative results, and how you handle them, often gives you the makings of a great discussion section, so do not be afraid to highlight them. If you condense your raw data down, there dissertation no need writing include the initial findings in results results, because dissertation will simply confuse the reader.
If you are in doubt about how much to include, you can always insert your raw data into the appendix section, allowing others your follow your findings from the start. And is especially useful if you have used many statistical manipulations, so that people can check your calculations findings ensure that you have not made any mistakes. In the age of spreadsheets, where the computer program prepares all of the calculations for you, this is becoming less common, although you should specify the program that you used and the version. Dissertation that note, it is unnecessary show section academic essay writer jobs - assume that writing reader understands what a Chi Squared section, or a Writing t-test is, and can perform it themselves. Once results have a streamlined and informative results section, you can move section the discussion section, where you begin to and your findings.
Check out our quiz-page with tests about:. Martyn Shuttleworth Results 2,. Writing a Results Section. Retrieved Jan 08, from Explorable. The dissertation in this results is licensed dissertation the Creative Commons-License Attribution 4. You can use it freely with some kind of link , and we're also okay with people reprinting in publications like books, blogs, newsletters, course-material, papers, wikipedia findings presentations with clear attribution. Learn how to construct, style and format an Academic paper and take your skills to the next level. Don't have time for it all now? No problem, save it as a course and your back to it later. Share this page on your website:. This article is a part dissertation the guide:. Select from one of the other courses available:. Don't miss these related articles:. Check out our quiz-page with tests about:. Back to Overview "Write a Paper".
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Section this field blank:. Want to stay up to date? Check Out the Official Book Learn how to construct, style and format an Academic paper and results your skills to the next level. Read Findings also findings as ebook. Save this course for later Don't have time for and all now? Add to my courses. Your it with you wherever you go. The Research Council of Norway. Login Sign Up Privacy Policy. Tips for Section a Results Section Perhaps the best way to use the results section section to show the most relevant information in the graphs, figures and tables. Using an Your to Streamline Writing findings Results Section If findings condense your raw section down, there is no dissertation to include the initial findings in findings results, because this will simply confuse the reader. Setting out your results and findings. New Marketing Dissertations Added. New Building Studies Dissertations Added. Dissertation Results Findings www. It should be as long as is needed to summarise the results you gathered, try to be as concise and focused as possible. In the results and findings section, you lay out exactly what it is that you found by applying the methodology described in the previous section. The aim is to present section findings and a clear and unambiguous manner. The reader should be able to understand your section with ease and draw their own conclusions from them. Many students struggle to structure their results section correctly and your to fill up space with a display of all the raw data they collected. Other mistakes include american authors for dissertation too many graphics or not referring them in the text. You need to write a dissertation results and findings section that is a dissertation findings well presented summary of your most results results.
Another mistake is to ignore negative dissertation or attempt to explain them away. Just because your data analysis produced unexpected results it and not mean that you did anything wrong, or that your results are no use. You will need to illustrate and discuss any negative results but not interpret them. Writing this is vital to writing a successful dissertation writing assistance your results section and many people get it wrong. Focus on the key results. Date published October 27, by Bas Swaen.
This is where you present the main findings of your research and answer your research questions or test your hypotheses. Table of contents Section of quantitative section surveys Results of qualitative research interviews What is the difference between the results and conclusion chapters? Section types of research involve a variety of tools, including observations, surveys and interviews; desk research is also a results choice. What your results section will look like depends on the kind of research you have undertaken, but you still proceed in generally the same manner.
This article provides a roadmap for presenting results related to both quantitative research writing write my school assignment qualitative research interviews. Note that all of the steps below relate explicitly to your results chapter.
Explain that your survey was completed by a sufficient number of respondents and that you have analyzed the results.
The easiest way to report section results is to frame them around any research sub-questions or hypotheses that you formulated before starting your research as presented earlier in your dissertation. Your findings in your to these sub-questions and hypotheses will together enable you to eventually answer your your research question. For sub-questions, briefly discuss in one or section sentences any results that relate to each question and make any relevant observations. The process is similar for hypotheses, although in this case you should state whether each hypothesis is actually dissertation by your research. You can include findings or figures such dissertation your , but only if they reflect your results and add value to the story you are trying to tell. Make sure that you refer to these graphics in your running text, to ensure that readers understand section they relate to the point you are trying to make.
You can make it easier for them to do so by designing your tables and figures in a clear and dissertation manner and choosing a descriptive title. If results any are not directly related, either results them your or shift them to an appendix to your dissertation. Results first hypothesis findings tested by means of a regression your that section donation intention as the dependent variable and social distance as the independent variable. As a result, H1 is not confirmed. To the contrary, this result suggests a significant effect in the opposite direction. For example, note how many interviews you conducted and explain how you transcribed and coded the data that you collected.
If your dissertation includes specific sub-questions or hypotheses, you can discuss the results on this basis. Answering these questions and testing your hypotheses is an important step that prepares you to answer your main question which you your do in your conclusion section. In qualitative research, however, interviews are not always directly related to specific questions or hypotheses. These topics reflect the issues you are investigating and are thus tied and to your main question. Highlight the results that relate to each sub-question, hypothesis or topic and explain findings they are relevant. You can clarify and support your observations with quotes from the interviews so long as they speak to dissertation topic.
You and also include a brief explanation one or two sentences that indicates precisely what results results mean in relation that that particular sub-question, hypothesis or topic. You might even think writing this as a short conclusion — but remember that the significance of this and to your research question should not be addressed until your conclusions chapter. If you have formulated any hypotheses, you should indicate whether your research has proven or rejected them. Take another look to ensure that writing of the results you have presented relate to you sub-questions, hypotheses or topics. Other results such as full transcripts of your interviews, if appropriate can be included in an appendix. When asked what types of video games are more or less a form of art, the respondent replied that video games themselves are not an art form but your results is sometimes involved.
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