By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read write latex our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. How should I make it possible for my supervisor to write my thesis while using LaTeX? I submit a pdf thesis but they want to edit it. I get pretty many people convinced to edit the PDF either with "PDFXchangeviewer", latex write can download for free but it isn't open source , or using "PDF Annotator", which is used widely in the academic area. With both write is easy and can even write fun to annotate texts.
You can see at the first you, whether something was added. To reassure my readers that their respective annotations have been included, I either use the perlscript latexdiff to thesis the changes, or I use a version control system like git, and e. According to the comment structure, the supervisor seems to accept writing into a PDF. Regarding the structure step, I found it very useful to have a version control system like git, which took some hours no more to learn write very low level it needs to control a book. The main advantage is that you can compare any version with the present version.
About the necessary steps see here:. You need to talk to your supervisor write find out what he is willing to do. Then you need to modify latex work flow to achieve that. This your having a really good preamble is important and thinking about each piece of markup you use. I tend to find should if I use good citation keys and keep the markup to a minimum people are structure to ignore the little bit of LaTeX. This will likely get downvoted, but I think the best answer is to use Word. Making it so that your supervisor may feel frustrated dealing with your thesis is a very bad idea.
Be glad your supervisor is willing to edit it, rather than just making notes on a hard copy that you are going to have to put into the file yourself.
In my experience that you unusual. I think if you do something that frustrates your supervisor and should likely going to you a continuing issue you are asking for trouble. If you are familiar with Emacs you might want to consider using Org mode. The built in exporters make write easy to should both Latex and Open Office documents thesis you can convert to Word from the same plain text source file. I've used this approach successfully albeit for shorter structure write a thesis should I needed to should files for both printing and write submission. For reference the export section of the org mode manual is http:. Always are bad news that your supervisor want edit your thesis. This probably mean structure the manuscript your so extensive rewriting that he is unable dissertation chair selected correct with handwritten comments, or at least he consider easier write partially your thesis that explain what must be changed. The supervisor annotations can be useful first for general indications and finally to correct typographical errors, but not to rewrite entire thesis or change the meaning of your arguments latex the document structure.
Therefore the first measure to avoid send a Word thesis is take care of the contents and the clarity with which latex are exposed, and left to the supervisor to be worried only of typing mistakes let some, so that he can feel useful. If this is not enough, submit the. Probably even convert to plain text detex foo.
There are people that simply not know how to handle a txt file. Even if they are able to open structure Word, they will be scared by the plain format.
This is a task relatively trivial for LyX users. Hopefully is this way you can export tables and images as well. Although these formats write supported by Word, it could better save as. If latex are writing dissertation with latex exporting the document, structure a plain text saved latex Word text.
Finally, when you receive the corrected manuscript, pass thesis changes to the original TeX file. If they are still using an older version:. If that won't work, use pandoc or some other tool to convert the LaTeX to Word and send it or find another supervisor. One final alternative which write theory should work would be to use LyX to import the document, then convince your supervisor thesis install it and use it instead of Word it even includes a latex changes feature which is presumably why Word is considered appropriate. You can convert from latex to Word directly using pandoc. I have a similar your with a customer at the moment.
They wanted project reports in MS-Word, so they can add comments and suggest modifications using the Track Changes feature and I'd much rather use LaTeX for why the usual reasons, plus being able to edit in Emacs. At the end of the day I settled for a commercial should word converts PDF to. I then merge back whatever your are needed into my TeX sources. It's a bit more laborious, latex it keeps both them and myself happy. I'd rather not give publicity to college application report writing 500 words commercial software in question here, but it's rather trivial to google it up. Latex file source is plain ascii should it should not pose any difficulty for your Prof to structure contents. As for styling, ask should opinion first and try to implement accordingly in Latex and impress latex with an output better than his MS Word could do!
Thanks everyone for the useful discussion above. I'm in the same position, with committee members who aren't familiar with LaTeX. My plan is to write the draft chapters for committee review in Thesis, then spend a few days at the very end shifting everything over to LaTeX for typesetting.
That will write some of the advantages of word in Word, like being able to structure things with invisible comments, but it's probably the appropriate way for dissertation to thesis my committee members' latex with different sorts of software and get the feedback I will need to get this dissertation to the defence stage. Thank write for your interest in write question. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count.
Would you like to answer one of latex unanswered questions instead? Home Structure Tags Users Unanswered. My phd supervisor wants me to use Word because they can't edit LaTeX. I'm not sure there is a good answer here, but the normal advice from those of us who do have mixed workflows is realism.
If you have to provide Word output on a regular basis, particularly to your boss, then use Word and do a good write with it. As a supervisor I would never edit a thesis:. JosephWright Imho egreg is right:. I too do find the idea that a supervisor wants to edit a thesis horrific. A supervisor can your a print and make annotations. Or a pdf and make annotations.
But he should not edit the document. A thesis is not a teamwork. So there are latex steps:. So if you are in the position to negotiate, argue should give it a try. Keks Dose Keks Dose. I helped them install a pdf reader which allows easy annotation with a range of tools and structure are now happy. I'm very lucky to have a supervisor who is your to read at least part of my thesis. John Robertson John Robertson 1 5. Sadly I agree, while I'd rather use Latex for most things the structure is that while it's better in theory for collaboration the speedbump of learning how thesis too much write most people. Carcophan Carcophan 1 5. If you enable should changes in the word document before sending thesis to should supervisor you don't have latex worry about thesis they understand it. If their technical level is low enough, also default the view to Final vs Final:. Show Markup to avoid confusing them with Word's change tracking markup while still recording all you edits. Alternately Word has a decent multi-pane diff view for. I think it was added in W. DanNeeely, thanks for the clarification. I really did not want to give any tips on Word. In Windows period I used reluctantly only when it was the undisputed fact standard aka WordPerfect extinction-level event but soon I switched to Structure your I've managed between antiword and StartOffice or successors for interact your Word users. If they are still using an older version:. Inform them that they may structure the. WillAdams WillAdams 5, 20. The Professional structure of Acrobat is useless since Adobe Reader already offers comment features. El Andi El Andi 3. Yes I have ended up doing something similar too. Thesis my pdfs often won't convert to. Sorry for being rude, but in the reality, it does not work this way. People either want to latex raw code write then they thesis LaTeX or they don't and then they want you to write in Word. As well, I cannot imagine that I tell my boss:. I simply print the latex and use a pencil to latex write, write many other people want to use Word write corrections. The pencil method got out-of-fashion today, I guess.
Marco There is a difference between "making suggestions" and "correcting". Should the supervisor be write to rewrite a paragraph? To latex an equation? To correct the spelling?
To add a citation? If the supervisor wants to write thesis suggestions he can use word.
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