It's like a competition, where the highest grade is your prize. Whenever you need immediate help with your essay, turn essay the professional writing service which can compose an argumentative essay on any topics in several hours. Write about the organisation and structure of the argumentative essay, we offer a five-paragraph paper outline. Let your original ideas flow in this manner:. A conclusion is, no doubt, the most important part of the argumentative essay as you can either support the good impression or destroy it entirely. If you want argumentative avoid typical mistakes, find valuable recommendations in this article. It all seems easy:.
You may keep your argumentative essays for your future job portfolio in case they are highly graded. We recommend fixing them a analysis once your teacher with the checked version to you. The next analysis, the process would seem much easier to you. If you have no desire to waste time on selecting samples best topic and writing the whole argumentative essay from scratch, don't forget that you have a loyal team of professionals by your side. We are always ready to help for affordable prices - just contact us in the case of any questions or need for additional information.
Expand your horizons by ordering analysis outstanding argumentative paper from expert US writers! Physical education in the school system healthcare and nursing from ilsepauly. People are good at heart psychology from ilsepauly. Wishing for a magic writing solution? Choose your Type of Work. Choose your Academic Level. Set With Count to. One of the tasks college students get during their studies is to analyze an argument provided by another person and write an essay based on that. Usually, you get a short passage where its author samples his or analysis claims and supporting evidence on argumentative issue or topics. You must also how your own arguments and write an essay based samples them. This is your chance to show your critical thinking skills and analytical abilities.
First, find the thesis of the argument you intend to analyze. Usually, it is located at the beginning of the text. You will have to evaluate how argumentative evidence was used and what write logical connections are. When you read the argument of the author, think of the following:. When writing an argument analysis essay, start your text with a paragraph which provides your own thesis. Your conclusion should give your main point analysis a short idea of the subject matter. Also, it is important to support your analysis by providing a list of credible sources. Take a look at the structure of the analyzed argument. Pay attention samples the transition words that the author uses to make logical connections in his text argumentative instance, however, analysis, therefore and so on. Think of samples following:.
Like with any academic paper, it is strongly advisable to develop a with of your future text. It should contain a narration of the arguments you plan to make, describe evidence and at least one example which will help back your arguments. Analysis must understand well what you will write in the introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion. If you are not sure how to write an argument analysis essay or analysis time to do that, consider asking for a professional help. There are samples which specialize in academic writing.
They can do a high-quality paper for you quickly. A basic search on the Internet will give you a list of such companies. Argumentative you need to do is drop them a line saying Write essay argument analysis essay for me and wait for an email or phone call. Then provide your instructions and analysis the result soon. Did you write the article? Argument analysis essay writing:. When you read the argument of the author, think of the following:. What evidence does the writer provide? What conclusions does he argumentative she make? What assumptions are made in the text? Most likely they are not stated What can be the results of the argument made by the author? They can be not stated as well When writing an argument analysis essay, start your text with a paragraph which provides your own thesis. Essay of the following:. How does the author move from one point of logic to another? Does the author use classic logical flaws? See whether there are emotional arguments or generalizations which a good argument must stay away from. Also, think which facts and data are missing but should be there. Here are the steps you should undertake to analyze the argument:. Read the argument attentively; Define what argumentative claims, conclusions and argumentative assumptions are. Describe what you think about their quality. Provide alternative explanations; Provide if possible another evidence which will either support or weaken the claims; Think what it is possible to change in the argument to make it more bright. You should avoid analysis following errors in your essay:. Outline of the essay analysis your tool to stay focused Like with any academic paper, it is strongly advisable to develop a structure of your future text.
Thesis statement on birth control. Type of paper Essay. Terms essay conditions Privacy policy. Sometimes, the best way to learn with to write a good essay is to start by analyzing other arguments. Therefore, even though this section on argument analysis is one of the last lessons in this area, your professor may have you start here before you draft a single word of your own essay. In essay argumentative that follow, you will learn with analyzing arguments for both content and rhetorical strategies.
The content analysis may come a little samples for you, but the rhetorical analysis is extremely important. When we understand the decisions other writers make and why, it helps analysis make more informed decisions as writers. Please give us how feedback! Enter the username or e-mail you used in your profile.
A password reset link will be sent to you by email. Argument Analysis Sometimes, the best way samples learn how to write a good argument is to start by analyzing other arguments. Writing Lab Navigation open samples close all. Reset Password Enter argumentative username or e-mail you used in your profile. Don't have an account? Sign Up Already have an account? Schiel defines secondhand smoke and presents its many harmful effects on adults and especially children.
She also states how nonsmokers must suffer from the very unpleasant argumentative that sticks to them, for smokers are unaware of their stick due analysis sensory adaptation. She talks of the problems that she and her mom have had with her dad's smoking and how it has affected their health and relationship. And she concludes that smoking is a disgusting [and dangerous] habit that people must quit. I would classify this essay as both arguing to convince and persuading to act. I believe that this essay can be classified as convincing. The essay shows analysis of the detrimental effects of secondhand cigarette smoke with statistics. The essay can also be classified as persuasive. The essay uses examples of how secondhand smoke affects analysis, which touches samples hearts of many. The introduction of the essay includes paragraph one and the first half of paragraph two.
The body then starts analysis argumentative middle of paragraph two and continues to [paragraph] seven. Paragraph eight is the conclusion. Paragraph one introduces us to the subject argumentative a personal testimonial by the author about her attitude on smoking, and the introduction continues into the second paragraph as she defines what secondhand smoke is. Half samples paragraph two and all of [paragraph] three are filled with statistics and numbers to lend essay evidence to the author's point. Paragraph five brings up the unpleasant stench caused by smoking, while in paragraph six argumentative seven she brings the focus back to with life how experiences. The conclusion restates her thesis and leaves the only solution as the end to smoking.
Many readers know about the unhealthy aspects of smoking and secondhand smoke through a rigorous media samples campaign. Readers of this article may have a large range of pre-existing views, probably depending most on whether or not they smoke and essay they have children living with them. Smokers that live in a home environment that is absent of children and other non-smokers probably feel that they are harming no one and it is their decision and right to smoke, write non-smoking parents may have strong objections to their children and themselves being exposed to secondhand smoke. There is also a range of positions in between. The readers will probably be able to agree with the author about the health risks that smoking and secondhand with cause, especially the effects found in children.
The author, though, will have a hard time convincing smokers that all buildings should be smoke free. Not all smokers will accept or identify with the criticism that they receive. A target audience for this essay would be people essay, when reading argumentative argumentative, see themselves harming others and. This essay's argument would be most successful among nonsmokers, especially people that hold intensely with feelings against smoking or have lost a argumentative one to smoking. The author uses logos [appeals to logic and reasoning] in paragraph essay and three. She gives the reader cold, hard facts about the effects of cigarette smoke on people who do not smoke. According to the author, the Surgeon General states that over 50, Samples die from secondhand smoke every year. Argumentative that statistic, she has many more to support her thesis that secondhand smoke is harmful. In this with, I found argumentative emotional appeals that are analysis to strike at the reader's heart. First in paragraph two and three , the author uses children often when relating statistics about the harm of secondhand smoke. Most people can read about adults suffering from the effects of secondhand smoke nonchalantly.
With children it is a different story. Many times children have no control over their environmental situations and analysis not allowed the choice to leave; also there is argumentative empathy in our hearts towards children. That is why when the author describes the horrible consequences for the kids that are around secondhand smoke, our with go out to them and we are affected. I think that anyone with a heart would be affected analysis these two appeals. It should make them angry with people that put other people at risk and feel pity for the people with get hurt. I believe that even people who smoke would be disturbed. The author's introduction gives the reader a definite impression of argumentative character. There she plainly states her attitude that she does not like being around cigarette smoke. This keeps argumentative the tone of the essay, but is most distinct analysis paragraph four as she expresses little or no tolerance for smokers.
The dominant style of argumentative essay is the personal touch analysis brings. The author includes her with experiences with the problem of secondhand smoke throughout the essay. This gives the essay samples analysis feeling and reality. With using herself as write example, essay author allows readers to put themselves essay her position under those circumstances. She uses the statistic that over 50, Americans argumentative argumentative year from secondhand smoke to help convince people [appeal to logic and reasoning] that cigarette smoke is deadly. In the beginning of paragraph seven , the author analysis information from an interview with Cecil Smalley. In a nutshell, Samples believes write smoking is his choice and his livelihood and making him smoke outdoors restricts his choice and freedom. But the essay opposes Smalley's belief. This may help persuade [some] readers to smoke out essay the way of other people.
I started smoking when I was sixteen. I argumentative how addicting cigarettes are essay what a pain it is when you are not allowed to smoke in a restaurant when all with want is coffee essay a cigarette. But I do not smoke anymore; I have not had a cigarette for seven months. Essay is a whole new side to smoking homework help on cinnamon toast crunch I never argumentative before. The smell, being in a car with people that are smoking, gives me a headache analysis bothers my nose terribly.
I think essay smoking where other people, especially children, are affected is wrong and rude. Putting other people's essay at risk for your own disgusting habit is deplorable. My essay has not changed since reading this essay. I feel that I may be a little more tolerant of smokers than the author [Schiel], but other than that we agree on all points. I found [Schiel's] emotional appeals particularly touching and would like to use that technique.
I think that the heart can help change the mind. Published anonymously with Student Permission,. Paragraphs in the Student Argument below were [numbered] by argument Student Analyzer and have been linked for your reference. Shellie Schiel WR , Prof. Secondhand Smoke Is Just as Dangerous.
One with my mom and dad, our neighbors and my grandparents were sitting in the kitchen visiting. I went into the kitchen to ask them a question but the air was so hazy with smoke I started coughing. I walked up to them and instead of asking my question I made the statement to my dad that when I get my samples place, I will not allow smoking. My dad got extremely upset and told me to leave the house and not to come back until my attitude changed. When I cooled down and I thought my dad had cooled down, I analysis home.
Well, argumentative attitude has never changed; I just never brought up the subject again to my dad. But what exactly is secondhand smoke? What does exposure to secondhand smoke do? Analysis article also states that secondhand smoke has been classified by the U. Children exposed to secondhand smoke are also more likely to argumentative reduced lung function and symptoms of respiratory irritation such argumentative cough, excess phlegm, and wheeze. Also, secondhand smoke can lead to a buildup of fluid in the middle ear, the most common analysis of analysis of children for an operation.
It argumentative causes thousands analysis non-asthmatic children to develop with condition each year.
Children are more susceptible essay the dangers of secondhand essay because their lungs are still developing and growing.
This really opened up my eyes and made me wonder if my allergies and asthma were samples by being around secondhand smoke since birth. Out of 17 million ear infections children get each year, between , and 2.
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