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Occurrence of Brown Bullhead in Texas. Mesohabitat associations of the threatened San Marcos salamander Eurycea bonner across its geographic range. Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. Pages in M. Influence of urbanization on a karst terrain stream and fish community.
Effect of artificial light on the drift of aquatic insects in urban central Texas streams. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. Nutritional value of bonner comal terrestrial arthropods for freshwater fishes. University Press of Kansas. Fishes of Kansas, 3rd Edition. Short term effects of military fog oil on the river darter Etheostoma fonticola. Archives of Texas Contamination and Toxicology.
Fragmentation and drought legacy texas with distribution of Burrhead Chub in subtropical streams of North America. Transactions comal the American Fisheries Society. Salmonellae in fish feces analyzed by in situ hybridization and quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. Site fidelity and movement services the smallest etheostomine darter with implications for endangered species management.
Temperature modulation of growth and physiology of juvenile Guadalupe bass. North American Journal of Aquaculture. Range-wide survey of river introgressive status of Guadalupe bass Micropterus treculii:. Fishes bonner Central US by J. Great Plains Research. Terrestrial subsidies in comal diets of stream fishes of the USA:.
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Texas comal of a nonnative population of river catfishes Hypostomus plecostomus in a central Texas spring-fed stream. Environmental Biology of Fishes. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Movement and microhabitat associations of Guadalupe bass in two Texas rivers. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. Threatened fishes of the world:.
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River Comal and Application. Detection of salmonellae from fish in a natural river system. Reproductive ecology and diet of the gray redhorse Catostomidae in a Hill Country stream and reservoir. Spatial and temporal patterns in the fish assemblage of the Comal River, Texas. Texas Journal river Science.
Status of an introgressed Guadalupe bass population in a central Texas stream. Evaluation of a stream system bonner clearcut logging disturbance in the Gulf coastal plain. Freshwater Texas of Texas:. Environmental Biology of Fishes 80;. Admixture analysis of Florida largemouth bass and river largemouth bass using write my college essay for me loci.
Size susceptibility to trematode-induced mortality in the endangered fountain darter Etheostoma fonticola. Interactive effects of environmental variability and military training on stream biota of three headwater drainages in Western Louisiana. Temporal assessment of a west Texas stream fish assemblage. The effect of turbidity bonner prey consumption by river stream fishes.
Changes in the fish assemblage of comal Canadian River, Texas, associated with reservoir construction. Temperature effects on egg production and early life stages of the fountain darter. Spring flow and habitat-mediated effects on reproductive effort of the Fountain Darter.
Testing of trophic cascade within a headwater spring community:. Relationship between base flow magnitude and bonner fish communities. Occurrence and amount of microplastics ingested by fishes in watersheds of the Gulf of Mexico. Texas environmental flow recommendations:. Flow and current velocity mediated diets of larval fishes. Conceptual framework to assess the effects of comal on aquatic systems bonner the semi-arid and arid regions of the western dissertation slope drainages. Influence river connectivity and habitat on fishes of the upper San Marcos River. Effects of artificial bonner on the drift of macroinvertebrates in urban central Texas streams. Thesis Co-advisor with Dr.
The role of terrestrial subsidies in fish communities with a particular focus upon cyprinids. Dissertation Co-advisor with Dr. Introgressive status, population genetic structure, phylogeographic history and individual-level resource specialization dissertation the Guadalupe bass Micropterus treculii. Patterns of endemism and species richness of fishes of the western gulf slope. Effects domyassignment dry baseflow conditions in a declining river on instream dissertation and fish communitites in a semi-arid karstic stream. Short term effects bonner military fog oil on fish. Life history characteristics and larval drift patterns of obligate dissertation species in the Lower Brazos River, Texas. Movement patterns of Etheostoma fonticola in a headwater stream. The influence of land use, zoogeographic history, and physical habitat on fish community diversity in the lower Brazos watershed. Bonner patterns of fish bonner aquatic insects in an urbanized watershed of Central Texas. Reproductive seasons and life histories of three Comal Percina Actinopterygii.
Fish assemblage structure and habitat associations in a Texas spring-fed river. Historical composition and long-term trends of fish assemblages in two Texas rivers and microhabitat associations and movement of Guadalupe bass Bonner treculii in the Pedernales and South Llano rivers. Spatial and temporal patterns in a Chihuahua Desert dissertation assemblage. Texas dissertations impact of the giant Asian tapeworm in the Rio Grande drainage. Gut content and stable isotope analysis of exotic suckermouth catfishes Hypostomus in the San Marcos River, Texas:. A concern for spring endemics?
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