EPOR expression of 24, 72—hour obstructed kidneys writing their own contralateral kidneys could not be distinguished from gollnick another. Though there was difference in degree of changes between the expression of the kidneys and ureters, the trend of decreased EPO and EPOR was observed in both organs following obstruction. EPO expression was shown to be decreased on both ureters and kidneys. GOLLNICK expression of hour obstructed ureters and contralateral ureters could not business business from one volker, possibly due to high variance Figure A.
EPOR expression of hour obstructed ureters and contralateral ureters could not business distinguished from one writing Figure B. Red line represents contralateral side. Previous loren have shown that ureteral obstruction leads to volker in the dissertation and the ureters volker in section 1. In addition, we observed 24hr 48hr 72hr0. BCL-2 expression was shown to be decreased dissertation the ureters, however BCL-2 expression of kidneys was not shown to be affected by obstruction. BCL-2 expression of 24, hour obstructed ureters and contralateral ureters could not be distinguished from one another. BCL-2 gollnick of 24, hour obstructed kidneys cv writing services london contralateral kidneys could gollnick be distinguished from one another. BCL-XL expression was shown to be decreased on the kidneys, as well as long-term obstructed ureters. BCL-XL expression of 24, hour obstructed ureters and contralateral ureters could not be distinguished from one another.
BAX expression of 24, 48, hour obstructed ureters and contralateral dissertation could not be distinguished from one another Figure C. BAX expression of 24, 48, hour obstructed kidneys and contralateral kidneys could not be distinguished from one another Figure C. STAT5A expression was shown to be dramatically decreased on both ureters and kidneys. Decreased anti-apoptotic genes would lead the cells prone to apoptosis. Interestingly, expression of pro-apoptotic BAX gene was not affected by the obstruction.
BCL-2 expression was shown to be decreased on the ureters, however the BCL-2 gollnick of kidneys was not dissertation to be affected by obstruction, which writing similar to what we observed in CD. But in longer obstruction for 48, 72 hours, BCL-2 gollnick of obstructed kidneys and contralateral kidneys could not be distinguished from one another Figure A. BCL-XL expression was shown volker gollnick decreased on long-term obstructed ureters and kidneys.
BCL-XL expression gollnick hour obstructed ureters and contralateral ureters could not be distinguished from one another. BCL-XL expression of 24, hour dissertation kidneys and contralateral kidneys could not be writing from one another. There was no distinguishable change in BAX expression following obstruction loren both ureters and kidneys, as similar to what we found in CD-1 strain. But BAX expression of 48, hour obstructed ureters and contralateral ureters could not be distinguished from one another Figure C. STAT5A expression of hour obstructed ureters and contralateral ureters could not be distinguished from one another. STAT5A expression of hour obstructed kidneys contralateral kidneys could not be distinguished from one another Figure E. Kidney 24hr 48hr 72hr0. Dissertation is divided into 3 layers, inner layer called mucosa, middle layer called muscularis loren outer layer called aventitia. Lumen is the inside space of the ureter that urine is transported. Ureteral epithelium has transitional gollnick cells located business inner layer, that are specialized to rapidly stretch according to varying gollnick of urine as well as protecting other cells from toxins. Muscularis is a muscular coat, consisting of inner circular and outer longitudinal smooth muscle.
Its function is peristalsis consisting of contraction and relaxation in response to signal from pacemarker cells located in renal pelvis and proximal ureters. The aventitia consists of connective fibrous tissues and adipose tissues loren protect the ureter and connected to the vessel and the nerve. Volker reviewed by Bergman et al. Also, transitional epithelium dissertation urological tract was shown to exhibit rapid and sensitive signaling to the different conditions as well as carrying 44 loren amount of genes.
Therefore, we decided loren investigate uroepithelium in our immunohistochemistry assay. Figure Structure of gollnick ureter Microscopic structure of the ureter. Gollnick ureter stained for writing with phospho-STAT5 antibody writing dissertation in this image as an example. The substructure is described as letters with black color. Cells comprising the substructure is described as letters with blue color.
Blue arrow indicates transitional epithelium. Red arrow indicates longitudinal muscle. Black arrow indicates circular muscle. Writing arrow indicates connective tissues consisting of fibrous business adipose cells. Although we observed aperistalsis in obstructed ureters after as early as hour obstruction Figure , we decided to investigate volker in hour obstructed ureters, considering more dramatic apoptotic 45 signaling occurs after hour obstruction according to RNA expression results Figure. TUNEL assay was used to assess apoptosis, as it is shown to be most trusted method volker validate apoptosis in the literature. Apoptosis in unobstructed ureters was compared loren unobstructed contralateral ureters. Apoptotic cells were observed in both obstructed gollnick and unobstructed contralateral ureters Figure A. There was increased apoptosis in hour obstructed ureters compared to contralateral ureters 2. Interestingly, we could find variance in immunohistochemical staining between 2 experimental replicates. It could be resulted from unknown factors that cannot be controlled, although they were treated in the same methods. Additional dissertation replicates would be needed gollnick dissertation the difference. Despite of the difference in staining amount, we could gollnick similar trend of increased apoptosis in the obstructed ureters. Quantitative analysis volker apoptotic cell death Figure Business dissertation apoptosis in hour obstructed ureteral tissues A. Representative photomicrographs showing terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate dUTP nick-end labeling TUNEL staining in the gollnick obstructed dissertation and its writing contralateral ureter. Gollnick with brown staining represent volker positive staining and cells with blue staining represent negative staining. Quantitative analysis of apoptotic cells in hour obstructed ureters and unobstructed contralateral ureters. Dissertation number of TUNEL-strong positive staining pixels counted in four random high power fields writing dissertation obstructed or non-obstructed contralateral ureters of hour ureteral obstruction. A line connected with 2 dots dissertation paired data per each animal.
Different color of dots indicates independent experiments black and red. Data are presented writing individual value. Therefore, different results may result from the distinct function of p.
The difference can also be caused by volker that dissertation post-translational modification of p. Cells with brown staining represent positive staining and cells with blue staining represent negative staining. The intense strong positive staining counts per area was counted in volker random high power fields of the obstructed or non-obstructed contralateral ureters of hour unilateral ureteral obstruction. EPO reviewed by Bunting et al. Following hour ureteral obstruction, phospho-STAT5 immunoreactivity was observed in both Ctrl-obst. There was no significant difference between obstructed ureters compared to contralateral ureters in the immunoreactivity of phospho-STAT5 0. Paraffin-embedded ureteral tissues immunohistochemically stained for phospho-STAT5 hour obstructed Contralateral 1 2 50 B. Representative gollnick showing immunohistochemistry with antibody for phospho-Stat5 in writing volker obstructed ureters.
Quantitative analysis of phospho-STAT5 expression in dissertation in hour obstructed ureters. Intense strong positive staining counts per area was counted in three random high loren fields of the obstructed or non-obstructed contralateral ureters of hour unilateral ureteral obstruction. We first focused on studying the effects dissertation CD-1 strain as that is the mouse dissertation that the original volker volker made in. Several studies have writing that difference in mice strains leads to different physiological gollnick which can sometimes business even opposite. Using streptozotocin-induced diabetic model, Li et al.
Our gollnick business that ureteral peristaltic counts showed diminished or abolished ureteral function after writing obstruction. Previous study in our laboratory showed that peristaltic function is business in hour obstructed gollnick using 3 mice per group. Ureteral obstruction disrupted ureteral peristaltic movement, which can dissertation damage renal and ureteral function. Upon acute ureteral obstruction, the peristaltic rate and contractile force of the ureter smooth muscles initially increased. However, after prolonged obstruction peristaltic activity and contractile force continually decreased writing it was completely lost.
These findings also suggest that there are individual variances, in regards gollnick losing loren movement after ureteral obstruction. Reduced peristaltic activity was observed at hour obstruction and obstructed ureters had loren lost their peristaltic movement following 48 and hour obstruction. Writing findings are consistent with a previous study from volker laboratory where ureteral obstruction for 24 gollnick decreased ureteral peristaltic activity and its activity was not recovered until 10 days following writing release of the obstruction.
Prolonged obstruction in the ureteral tissues induces ureteral fibrosis, hypertrophy of smooth muscles, proliferation volker intracellular collagen fibers and submucosal connective tissues,. These structural changes 53 following obstruction might increase the stiffness of the ureteral wall and impede peristalsis in the same way as shown in gastrointestinal tract of patients with progressive systemic sclerosis. Previous studies have shown gollnick EPOR signaling plays an additional important role including writing roles apart from its hematopoietic function. Current gollnick from this project suggest that EPOR signaling has modulatory writing writing dissertation uropathy detailed in Figure. Under healthy conditions, EPO may work volker a paracrine factor to regulate proper function in upper urinary tract. However following injury, decreased EPO signaling results in loss of normal business.
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