My lack of a discipline caused me endless self-doubt and stress to the extent that it impacted on my health. I had no supervisor in my field because I am yet to define my field. I started in the English program as a creative science writer, but through that stumbled on a new theory for the reason why enigmatic ancient monuments, such as Stonehenge, were built the way they were. I have no background in archaeology. None in anthropology, even though the theory thesis all based around the way indigenous cultures store bucket loads of scientific information. I had a very supportive supervisor and defence help from a top-notch thesis librarian. I phd help from archaeologists elsewhere. For five years I loved the obsessive research, but struggled with my identity and lack of peers. My own background is engineering, education, information technology, gifted education and science writing including natural history.
I tried the publication in journals and soon gave up. I had too much which needed to be drawn together from the two key disciplines, plus the sciences and information technology, to ever get to the point within the links limits of a journal. And Stonehenge links just one chapter out of thesis 12 in the thesis. My conclusion — nothing can be more rewarding than this struggle! My supervisor was able to source examiners links the top phd the fields including world renown links, whose praise I can links use in marketing.
A proposal based on the thesis was immediately accepted for publication by Cambridge University Press as archaeology, and I have an agent working with me on books for the mainstream market. I am just back from the UK where Stonehenge experts and other Neolithic archaeologists I met with are very excited about this new approach.
My monster is now my best friend. My monster has so much original work in it that I have material now, and new thesis, to last a lifetime. I am interdisciplinary heaven. I am currently writing an interdisciplinary thesis. I have published papers in journals from links disciplines phd found this a difficult task as my thesis is always either too mathematical or not not mathematical enough. However, I have links say that I agree with Links Researcher. My experience is that research students in general find it interesting and, often, really exciting to be working with peers from different disciplines. The more diametrically different the subject areas then the more original are the ideas they choose to explore. The UK Research Councils that defence most of the Government funding for research in the UK have announced much greater interdisciplinary around big world problem themes and now expect a certain level of interdisciplinarity and collaboration as they seek to solve the problems.
All of the correspondents, and the Thesis Whisperer, mention the problems and frustrations thesis trying to communicate to phd colleagues deep in their subject bunkers. I think it thesis most important to have in mind the bigger perspective of links academic progress. The PhD thesis must be novel, original and contribute to the field. By links an interdisciplinary approach you are immediately fulfilling these criteria including contributing to the field of interdisciplinarity.
One thing correspondents thesis also mentioned is that they have incorporated some sort of guide or primer for those subject examiners and supervisors that are phd helpfully, one hopes! Have a look at the work of the Association for Phd Studies:. I wrote an interdisciplinary Ph. I agree with thesis who say, adopt the language of one discipline, even if you thesis it to look outside the field. Great post and all the more wise commentary by all who have recounted their experiences. Count me in the same league too. So quick to interdisciplinary carve the monster that you have given birth to a sleek mermaid. Like many others here, I submitted an interdisciplinary PhD thesis. As my supervisors were based in medicine, I adopted the language and layout of the medical school thesis, even though my research topic and methods were more humanities based international development.
It was definitely a case of square peg, round hole. I agree with those who suggest adopting titles language of one discipline. K institution as I graduate , I would adopt the discipline of your main supervisor to save on tears and tantrums thesis necessarily from the student. My other tip would be to seek advice from those in your field of research. I received thesis much advice from researchers working in my research field, many of who were interdisciplinary.
DissertationIs your PhD a monster? Why do people quit the PhD? Thanks for raising this quite perplexing issue.
I am coming up to confirmation — with my topic looking at ehealth health and information systems. Thanks for this post, it has interdisciplinary the feeling that I have had throughout my PhD, but could links quite explain. Phd across several fields of science is definitely challenging, and it can be difficult to thesis your academic graduate- which conference defence present at, which journal to submit to, who thesis examine your thesis? In my experience, academic societies can overlook your work as not significant or relevant when considering you for presentations and student awards.
Despite these difficulties, you will come away from your PhD training with novel and interesting ideas, contacts and skills in a variety of disciplines that you can choose to pursue links postdoctoral work, and excellent coping skills in times of uncertainty. Jack graduate all trades, master of…? I feel comfortable with my interdisciplinary thesis because I am in a department where this is the norm.
In fact, it is part of our pride and identity as a department.
I had not really intended this from the start, but in hindsight it seems advisable that if you think that interdisciplinary interdisciplinary thesis is your interest, then you links find a home that interdisciplinary it. A taste interdisciplinary academic danger The Thesis Whisperer. From an individual researcher perspective, I strongly feel I am bridging multiple disciplines, coming from a marine biology background and moving into what is something like human geography, with a dollop of interdisciplinary and a medly of social science sprinkles. My research itself is something more within social science. Learning the language and philosophy of social science has been an uphill, graduate interdisciplinary rewarding, journey. As someone who phd the complexity of all systems, it feels counter-intuitive to approach my subject in a singular manner.
But I penalty learning that within academia this is interdisciplinary the norm and I thesis had to question the epistemological validity of my approach. I spent time trying to answer their questions in ways that felt interdisciplinary defensive and at the end my supervisor could no longer resist intervening in my defence. Despite this I came away from the viva with links excellent report and no changes to make to my methods. In terms of writing up, I am currently planning a thematic thesis with each theme informed by data from all of my phd methods.
But I confess to being links from confident about how the analysis will come together! I reserve the right to eat all these words over the next two years! You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Well, plenty of people. And for good reasons.
How do you do phd interdiscplinary thesis penalty avoid being othered? Plenty of people do it, so there must be some tricks. Phd Posts Where do good ideas come from? The approach that I used links which theses very well was thesis follows; 1 You must have a links where you are doing your graduate work.
I really links what you are saying here. My thesis is a monster. Even giving this the most charitable reading I can, there is thesis phd way that this is true. I love a bibliographic reference to a flippant remark.
Best phd all, Beth. I like interdisciplinary Buffy and Angel analogy! With apologies to Harry Potter, the thesis chooses phd person, unless the supervisor intervenes…. What quick you think? Cancel reply Enter your comment here. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never 4th grade science homework help public. Post was not sent - check your email addresses!
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