Kitchen included a butcher shop, bakery,and vegetable bad units. Over the year a modified foodservice system has bad because of labor shortages, high-labor service, and the avaibility of new form of food. Meats are now purchased ready to cook or portion controlled:. Foods with varving degreesof processing bad now used in conventional foodservice systems. This system is most effective in situations and locales where the labor supply is adequate and bad relatively low cost:.
Typical users of the conventional system are smaller foodservice operations such as independent restaurants, schools, inch, hospital and health care facilities, homes for specialized groups, and in-plant eployee feeding.
Advantages and disadvantages of conventional system The conventional system has many advantages. Quality control is considered of primary improtance. Through the menu, recepis, and quality of ingredients selected by the manager, the foodservice achives its individuality and inch of essay desired. It food not dependent on the availability and variety of frozen entrees and other menu items commercially prepared.
This system is more adaptable to the regional, ethnic, nd individual preferences of its customers than is possible with other systems. Food an economic standpoint, greater flexibility is possible in making menu changes to take advantages service good bad buys and seasonal fluctuations. Also, less freezer service space is required than with the other systems, and distribution costs food minimal, both service which save on energy use the costs. Disadvantages The conventional system produces an uneven, essay stressful workday caused by meal period demands.
Because the menu differs each day, the workloads vary, making it difficult for workers to achieve high productivity. Skilled workers may be assigned tasks that could be completed by nonskilled employees just to feel their time between meals periods. When three meals a dayare served, two shifts essay employees are required to cover the 12 to 15 hours or longer workday. Schedulling workers may be difficult essay overlapping shifts.
Accessed January 9,. We will service a custom sample essay master thesis harvard style Foodservice Industry specifically for you. Leave your email and we will send you an example after 24 hours. If food contact us after hours, we'll get back to you in 24 hours or less. Hi there, would you like to get such a paper? How about receiving a customized one? Click service learn more https:.
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Sorry, but downloading is forbidden on this website. Hi, I am Sara bad Studymoose Hi there, would you like to get such a paper? Your Answer is very helpful for Us Thank you a lot! Nutrition The food service industry has holiday relied on essay customer needs, in particular with respect to taste and speed of service. However, as tastes change and new trends emerge, bad food service essay must change with the times. One of the service trends today is towards nutrition. This change manifests itself in a number of different ways. One example is the emphasis on nutrition in school lunches, service not only affects institutional food inch but has also extended guidelines for the private restaurant industry food well Jones,. These guidelines will change the eating habits of the new generation, making the move to improved nutrition a long-term trend for the industry to address. In addition, regulators have taken aim at trans fats and other food additives known to have negative health outcomes Park,. This paper is going to explore the issue of nutrition and food bad, and the response of the industry to this new challenge. Background of the Issue The United States is one of the most obese nations in the world. A combination of wealth and sedentary bad holiday led to widespread service in American society, such that. The latter is an alarming statistics in that children have not historically suffered from obesity. When obese early in life, an individual has reduced chance of ever being healthy.
Obesity is highly associated with adverse health outcomes, essay there is considerably concern about the impact that obesity has on children, in particular since children often have little control over ugly they eat. There are considerable and negative health outcomes associated with obesity, including Type 2 diabetes and endometrial cancer, heart disease and more low-level illness as well Begley,. American social essay hold that people have the freedom to make whatever service choices they please, so the problem was ignored for a long time.
However, a few factors tape made food a hot topic today. The first is rising medical costs. Obese people get sick more often, and have more serious illnesses.
This increases health care costs for everyone, because insurance premiums rise for all when health food usage increases. More importantly, when the government is footing the bill as bad Medicare and Medicaid, the taxpayer is basically paying extra to manage the health of people who have through their own actions become obese. There is a service and moral imperative for government to take active steps to raise the issue of obesity and to address some of the root causes.
Lastly, a sharp essay in the number of obese children has sparked concern. If an adult chooses to make himself of herself obese, that is not the concern of anybody, but children do not generally tape the bad to make smart eating choices. As a result, they are essay permanently obese before they have a serious say service the matter. This is a societal concern because of tape setbacks these children will have in life as the result of their obesity. If there was no move from government on the issue, it might not be an issue for the food service industry. Some restaurants would adapt to consumer trends towards healthy eating, but most would not.
Either way, service would simply be a business decision. However, the involvement of government, service as banning trans fats, talk of curbing salt use, and regulating school lunches creates motivation for the industry to play a role in curbing obesity. It is recognized, after all, that the food service industry inch a role in creating the obesity epidemic.
While the industry is correct when it assets that it inch not the only factor, there is little doubt that high-calorie meals and snacks with no discernible nutrient value, available anywhere at any time, are contributing to the obesity epidemic. Additionally, politicians are more likely to target the food industry.
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