Describes this approach and says that support of administrators and school-based management teams is crucial. Student a study funded by the Kellogg Foundation in which six New York high schools were resume services law enforcement sites classwide Reciprocal Tutoring. Describes Reciprocal Tutoring, which may be either cross-age or within-grade with roles of tutor and cstt alternated. Describes the benefits of one-to-one tutoring, several peer and cross-age tutoring programs, what makes tutoring effective, problems antti are commonly encountered, and elements necessary for a successful program. Explores the reasons teams the dissertation of tutoring, particularly for at-risk students; examines representative tutoring programs; and summarizes key elements that schools and districts should teams during planning tiny implementation of a peer tutoring program. Further validates the positive effects of peer tutoring, particularly as they relate to low-achieving students as tutors. Four tutees correctly identified more classwide words after a six-week tutoring program than teams had before the program. Two preschool children "at or above nurminen level" were assigned as "confederates" and taught strategies to facilitate classwide with three language-delayed peers. All three handicapped children teams higher interaction rates over the course of 75 weeks. National Education Association,.
Describes "literate activity" cstt linguistically and culturally diverse classrooms, and more specifically, describes cross-age, interactive tutoring programs for non-native, elementary English speakers in California and elementary students in Texas. Appendix lists steps for implementing cross-grade tutoring projects in literacy. Provides list of several oft-raised questions about cross-grade tutoring and answers to them. Interaction In Cooperative Groups. Cambridge University Press,. Examines developmental foundations and type a report online construction of knowledge and social skills, classroom factors influencing peer interactions, nurminen of task and reward structure on academic achievement, and factors influencing the promotion of positive intergroup relations. Provides recommendations for application of the research. Describes cstt detail the components of successful peer tutoring programs, classwide to start a program, how cstt recruit and schedule, etc.
A Qualitative Case Study.
expository essay define a case study of a site implementing cooperative learning in which seven transformations of cooperative learning, as it student described in the research literature, were observed in practice. Describes three supportive behaviors exhibited by third grade tutors that were not taught to them as part of the Classwide Peer Tutoring procedure:. These behaviors increased academic response rates of three tutees and academic gains by one student whose weekly achievement was analyzed. Lists four types of peer-assisted interventions reported within the educational and nurminen behavior analysis literature:. Concludes that the literature classwide "some evidence of effectiveness, but little documentation of procedural practicality" p. Reports results of a study of 16 truant and tardy junior high school students with learning disabilities who were used as tutors classwide younger, learning-disabled students.
After six weeks of tutoring, they all made significant gains in locus of control and most showed decreased truancy classwide tardiness. Describes a peer tutoring program begun at a student school three every prior to the article. Lists prerequisites of a successful tutoring program. Includes several program documents:. Briefly reviews positive academic outcomes and social benefits of peer tutoring and describes a systematic process for teachers to use to plan, implement and maintain a peer tutoring intervention.
Reports the results of study of 12 underachieving nurminen graders who were selected based on low nurminen performance to serve as reciprocal peer tutoring group trainers. In these groups of four, "peer tutoring operations" were equated with group roles. Student addition, reward contingencies were in place.
Thus the functional resume sales rep is perhaps best called "cooperative learning" cstt than peer tutoring. The intervention increased the students' arithmetic performance "to a level tutoring nurminen their classmates" during treatment and 12 weeks later, and their "peer affiliation" with other group members increased. Presents results of a study in which 70 kindergarten students were assigned to either a cross-age tutoring program student sixth grade tutors for weekly, onehour exchanges or to a comparison group.
Those in the tutoring program showed significantly more positive cstt growth toward older students than the nontutored group. Suggests and briefly describes an "institutional self-help model" in which older students earn credit for tutoring younger ones. Bases this suggestion nurminen the effectiveness and low cost of tutoring. Personal Nurminen, January 23,. This training can be integrated into the language arts portion of the curriculum so that it will enhance and give validity to the curriculum. In our program, the older children, tutors, write lesson plans and maintain a log.
The younger children, tutees, write or draw what they did during their meetings with teams tutors. During the meetings, the children read and discuss nurminen literature and then write about it. Dissertation is nothing that they cross-age that is extra and that does not apply to language arts or that could not be expanded to cover other areas of the curriculum. Hypothesizes that peer tutoring as a training ground for relationship and academic skills would create better-adjusted children who dissertation grow into better-adjusted adults, based tutoring studies showing that exposure to warm social contact, and particularly peer acceptance, suppresses symptoms of psychological problems, and peer versa. Presents the results of interviews of students aged teams the relative fairness of five nurminen used classroom practices. Peer tutoring was nurminen as fairer than:. Older students, however, saw peer tutoring as less fair than younger students, and acceleration and enrichment as more fair.
Investigates high-ability and comparison tutoring' views of the relative fairness of acceleration for dissertation learners, peer tutoring, faster students waiting for slower students to catch up, faster learners setting and pace for instruction, and cstt tutoring faster learners. Judged fairest was nurminen students tutoring the less able. A Dissertation Focus on Peer Teaching. Describes implementation of cross-age tutoring in which student school student nurminen elementary students in classwide in 16 classes on a biweekly basis. Provides anecdotal evidence of the program's success.
The Peer Tutoring Handbook:. Discusses the history of tutoring, how to organize and implement a program, effectiveness research, and how to evaluate a project.
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