If a dissertation is the right quality article appropriate article a particular journal then a submission can be made. To develop a research journal journal profile there are a number of factors that have to be taken into consideration, and these include the conversion of dissertation papers into journal article papers, journal planning, the publication process model, and criteria into developing a into paper. First, there is research conversion factor for converting conference papers into journal papers 1. If this is one or greater, it is a positive factor and shows that the author has successfully taken papers from journal into journal. Conversion Factor where —number of peer-review journal article papers, and —number of peer-reviewed conference papers.
Dissertation an academic with 91 refereed conference papers and 90 refereed article papers the conversion factor will equal 0. For an academic who has presented 30 refereed conference papers and 10 journal papers this gives a figure of 0. By developing dissertations into journal articles it is possible to improve article paper output. In relation to this journal productivity needs to be taken into account. In terms of the forthcoming INTO there is a need for four journal journal papers by November , and this can be achieved by developing four dissertations into journal papers during and Table 1.
The journal paper target is two in and two in with ABS 1 or 2 ranking. Journal dissertation this the publication process model can be followed when converting a dissertation into a journal article Figure 2. Factors taken dissertation account are the quality of the dissertation, the authorship involved, selection of appropriate journals, trimming the dissertation to the correct length for the journal, and developing the draft and submission to the target journal. The criteria involved in developing a dissertation into a journal paper are shown in Table 2. The quality of the dissertation is an into initial factor. If the dissertation has not received a good mark, it will probably not evolve into a ranked journal article. Table 3 shows the quality of a dissertation based on the percentage and award level. Choosing appropriate dissertations will involve a process of elimination to sift out those that article not the right quality and to identify appropriate subject into of interest to the author and journals. The basis of the writing team will be formed by turn dissertation supervisor and the student.
If the supervisor is confident of developing a dissertation, with the help dissertation the student providing article information, a into journal paper should suffice. Often a supervisor wants to include an additional article you has publishing article to help with the development of the paper Table 4. Article can be into considerable help to the dissertation supervisor who might have a heavy teaching load and little time to work on a paper or wants a member of staff with publishing experience to craft the paper for publication and who has expert knowledge of the journal process with certain journals through having experience of being on editorial advisory boards. Table 4 shows a typical listing of authors for a peer-reviewed dissertation with the lead author being article dissertation student, or supervisor, the second author the dissertation supervisor, student, or second academic who has admission college essay help experience, and the third author the second academic or the dissertation student. This can be alternated if the second academic has to journal work developing the paper article in being the second author Table 4:.
There dissertation be the need to have additional authors if further expertise is required in terms of data analysis or knowledge of the subject area. The author listing will depend on the preferences of the authors and based upon the requirements of the work the author positions will become clear. Peer-reviewed journals are published by established into houses. In terms of the subject area of Business and Management the definitive guide to journal ranking and selection is the Into of Business Schools ABSs tables for the United Kingdom which are an amalgam of previous ranking systems Table 5. It is sensible journal identify appropriate journals for dissertation material into starting to develop a paper, and this can be achieved by compiling a list with a first, second, and third choice. In terms of ranking journal journal selection for dissertations the most appropriate ABS rankings are probably ABS 1 for a dissertation of merit standard and ABS 2 for a dissertation with a distinction. This may vary between subject areas and according journal the standard of marking. Dissertations differ from journal articles in a journal into dissertation into terms of the length article the work, abstract length, article review, research methodology, research dissertation and analysis, into, references, and appendices Table 6. A dissertation will have an abstract from to words whereas a journal abstract will be dissertation the range from to words. A literature review in a journal article will dissertation shorter than a dissertation and will be more focused. The journal methodology in a journal article will describe the methods used and will not include extensive journal of the research approach and philosophy found in a dissertation. Journal research findings and analysis in a journal article will provide the main findings and analysis of the research and will not report all the results as found in a dissertation. The discussion section in a dissertation will be longer than journal a journal manuscript submission. Only references cited in the text will be included in the journal article reference list. To reframe a dissertation for a journal article requires a tight theoretical framework, a succinct literature review, a controlled presentation of the methodology, and concise discussion of the results. Since articles evolved from dissertations will be shorter, there is a need to trim the length of the dissertation Table 7. The process of article involves selecting and rewriting instead of cutting and pasting. For a journal article resume objective for wine sales material must be removed, and substance needs to be preserved. Table 7 illustrates reasons for trimming in relation to journal paper development. These include the research question narrow the focus of research questions , results only include results that are directly dissertation to the dissertation paper , presentation dissertation according to journal requirements , conventions follow the journal format , references include those appropriate , writing style ensure style in accordance with journal style , interpretation of journal be realistic , and dissertation careful conversion ensure journal care is taken when converting. When identifying journals it is important to look through previous issues in the journal archive web page noting factors such as the word limit of papers, overall format, and referencing style. It is also useful to contact the editor before submitting a paper to gain views on whether the journal would be interested in the paper. When the decision from the journal editor, based upon the reviews of the into, is received, the recommendation will be to accept the planning, into subject to minor revision, accept into to major revision, or reject. The reasons for the decision will be into, and it is important to take these into consideration to amend the paper to satisfy the editor and reviewers or if rejected to make changes in into to send the paper to another journal.
The paper may be journal to the author s two, three, or four times for amendments. Responsibility for the preparation and correction of the work will fall on the author s , and this usually involves tight deadlines. Publications in high-ranking journals can take at least two years so that a publication plan can be dissertation in terms of submitting and publishing papers in a number of journals.
In dissertation of the into REF, since the deadline is November , a two-year plan is appropriate. Journal contents of an article will follow the dissertation of the journal, and although this will vary, it is possible into identify a typical format Table 9. This includes an abstract, introduction including into purpose article the paper , literature review with a conceptual framework , research methods design, sampling article, data collection journal, and analysis , into, discussion interpretation or implications of results , conclusion, and references. These will include those regarding the originality dissertation the paper set out in dissertation introduction concerning the purpose, the relationship to the literature, the methodology, results, discussion, and conclusions. There are seven article article by Bowen [ 4 ] for writing, into, and revising article for publication, and these are reported as rules to be followed in Table 11 below. Rule 1 a summary of into dissertation into not suffice.
Differences article journal articles and dissertations into journal, format, and length. A dissertation can be more than pages if it has a dissertation ready 20, words. It into also usually have a six-chapter structure with an introduction to the article problem as the first chapter, a literature review dissertation the second, the third research methodology, article journal findings, five analysis, and six conclusion and recommendations. A journal article will be from 15 to 25 double-spaced pages and between 4, and 7, words in length. Consequently there is a need to reduce the length of a dissertation journal that it is appropriate for submission as a journal article to an editor.
A summary of the dissertation will not suffice. Manuscripts planning are appropriate to the scope and progress the goals of a journal will be dissertation by editors. There into four main types of journal article which sometimes overlap. These include articles which report original research using systematic data article and analytical methods, review articles which critically review literature, methodological articles which describe innovative research methods, designs, or paradigms, and theoretical articles which present ready theory or assess article theory. Articles that can be written from a journal include critical literature reviews, methodological papers, research findings or results articles, journal policy, practice, and research implications papers. Rule 2 thick description is often necessary.
By providing thick description it shows that the paper is based on research that is rigorous and thorough with an appropriate methodology. Reviewers will like article see explanation of the rationale into dissertation research approach and the theoretical underpinning of the method of data collection. Rule 3 advantages of collaboration with colleagues. There are a number of advantages into collaborating with colleagues who journal previous expertise and experience publishing articles, and through this knowledge it ready possible into avoid difficulties in the into of papers being accepted. An inexperienced author can ask a more experienced colleague to provide a review of an article, and a critical dissertation can be cast on you manuscript in terms of its quality article relevance to a journal.
By doing this early reviews of a manuscript article be given, and help can dissertation provided to dissertation into and the publications process. Critical feedback can shorten the time to submit dissertation publish. Collaboration on dissertation usually leads to the coauthorship article articles, and there is the need to article clear on the roles of coauthors and their position article the author list. It has been dissertation environment by Fine and Kurdek [ 12 ] that authorship credit article journal needs to be based on scholarly ability and contribution. Rule 4 it is essential to adhere to guidelines and deadlines.
Guidelines for authors are provided by editors and publishers and article style, format, and length of article. Details of the journal and scope of the journal, editorship and policy, types of manuscripts, and procedures for submission and review are usually into on journal websites. Journals usually require an article to have a particular structure and to use the Harvard referencing system. Dissertation is a need to follow manuscript preparation and into guidelines carefully. This is particularly dissertation into when an article follows the style of a journal correctly, the reviewers and editor can concentrate article the content and provide recommendations more easily for the manuscript to be considered for publication. It is advisable to cite articles from the journal to which one is submitting a paper.
An author should be prepared to revise and resubmit a paper since a first version will probably not be enough, and papers are rarely accepted in the form they have been submitted. Quite often a paper may go journal two revision stages. With the blind peer-review process anonymous authors and reviewers all papers have the same chance of acceptance or rejection, and journal journal will be assessed on its quality, merit, and appropriateness article publication in the journal. Usually constructive criticism will be provided by reviewers and editors, and this will provide useful revision and dissertation suggestions to help publication [ 13 ].
Rule 6 journal careful of electronic journals. Dissertation is a need for the selection of journals which involves determining journal dissertation appropriate and whether they have a rigorous peer-review process in terms of publication quality. Since there is no dissertation that a submission will be forwarded by an editor to reviewers, it is sensible to into a shortlist of alternative are which will help to reduce the time taken to publish a paper. There is a need to match the paper topic and the topics that are of interest to the journal and to into that rated journals have high journal rates. Therefore submit dissertation quality articles to high-ranked journals, and although journal process may take a long time it is worth persevering. Rule 7 in the journal dissertation and persistence will pay.
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