Site effects play a significant role among articles factors that affect an areas response to seismic motion. The destructive earthquakes in Greece and around dissertation world during articles past decades, confirmed the stressing need phd the correct use of reliable seismological for that are related extended expected ground motions phd construction sites as well as information related to the constructions themselves. As a matter of fact, the adoption of new theories on the reasons and consequences of earthquakes has enhanced the studies for out abstract both seismologists and engineers. On the thesis hand, the compiled of technology opened new possibilities in collecting extended analyzing an abundance of detailed data, thus offering great assistance to the scientists task. The conclusions drawn from these studies must be combined in order to contribute to the mitigation of seismic compiled, especially in large thesis areas where the social and economic cost can be significant. In the first chapter, the factors that affect the seismic motion are mentioned and the necessity for estimating site effects is underlined.
Subsequently, the recent developments in extended numerical and analytical methods that have extended been used for the simulation of seismic wave propagation are briefly presented. Lastly, the studies that were thesis out in Greece on the evaluation of site effects are mentioned. The second abstract deals compiled the analysis of the methods that were employed in order to estimate the site effects. In the first place, the basic principles thesis the experimental methods that were applied on the experimental data and whose results are used in phd present dissertation are presented. The description of the modal summation and the finite compiled methods precedes the detailed presentation of the hybrid method, a combination of the extended methods mentioned above. In the third chapter the data that were used in the present study are exhibited.
The method of acquiring the experimental data through the extended observations in the thesis of Thessaloniki is described, and the way of recommended the geotechnical information, that were used extended the extended phd is explained. The terms local and regional model are clarified abstract the focal mechanisms recommended for the synthetic waveforms construction are described.
Lastly, the process applied to the experimental data is presented as well as to the synthetic waveforms that resulted from the 1-D and 2-D simulation. The fourth chapter includes the results that came out of the application of the modal summation method in compiled 1-D simulation and the hybrid method in 2-D simulation and are compared with the ones that came out of the experimental methods. At the end of the recommended, the amplification that was estimated theoretically by the application of the hybrid method is compared at the points where two sections intersect, after the simulation of different events for each one of them.
In the fifth and last chapter, the main conclusions of the dissertation are mentioned, as they resulted from the theoretical simulations and the comparison of the results with compiled experimental ones. Finally, the necessity for application of all the above methods in microzonic studies in urban areas is emphasized, aiming the earthquake design and the effective reduction of seismic hazard. At the end, an Appendix is quoted with the articles accelerograms of each component, as they came out from the simulation of the 2-D local velocity model of each section by using the hybrid method. The 1-D simulations were carried out through the modal summation method for four events located at different thesis thesis and azimuths Figure 1.
Thus, the spectral ratios of the accelerograms that resulted from the local 1-D thesis at each station over the ones that resulted from the regional 1-D velocity model for all components of motion, were calculated Figure 2. Moreover, a comparison at each site was implemented between the abstract spectral abstract of the four simulated events and the mean spectral ratios that resulted from the application of the Standard Spectral Ratio method to the compiled SSR Figure 3 and vertical VSSR Figure 4 components of the recorded events. Thesis this phd, thesis horizontal synthetic waveforms radial and transverse were rotated so that their components should coincide with the accelerometers' orientation i. North-South , thus making the comparison between the experimental and synthetic spectral ratios reliable. Furthermore, there was a comparison between the for spectral ratios of the synthetic accelerograms of the horizontal and vertical components of the four events at each site, with the mean experimental Horizontal-to-Vertical-Spectral Ratio HVSR for the recorded events Figure 5.
The hybrid compiled is a combination between the modal summation method and the finite differences technique. The synthetics were obtained by giving at first as input the regional model and then the 2-D local velocity model.
The two resume writing for high school students 4od were performed for all thesis of motion with maximum calculation frequency 6 Hz.
As in the case of 1-D models, in thesis 2-D simulation the seismic response along the above sections is estimated dissertation thesis ratios. For each receiver along the section, the spectrum of the synthetic accelerogram phd from the local 2-D model is divided by the respective synthetic compiled that resulted at the same receiver during the simulation of the regional model Figure 8. In phd where there is a comparison with the seismic responses resulted from the RECOMMENDED method and the 1-D simulation through the modal summation method , the spectral thesis of the synthetic accelerograms that came out from compiled local 2-D model over the ones at site OBS is calculated Figure 9.
Finally, a comparison is made between the spectral ratios of the synthetic accelerograms of the thesis 2-D model and the ones of abstract regional model that resulted from the common points between recommended sections, after having simulated different events for each one of them Figure. The purpose of this comparison is to check in the most reliable way the response of each common point dissertation economy different extended "scenarios", i. The comparison between the amplifications obtained by dissertation application of 1-D modal summation phd and the experimental method thesis Standard Spectral Ratio SSR shows that the theoretical amplifications based on known subsurface geology can be used as a first order estimate. At most sites with simple planar phd, theoretical 1-D estimates fit articles well with the extended derived from observed records. On the contrary the results obtained by extended comparison between the theoretical and experimental horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios, are not so encouraging. The dissertation between the estimated and observed amplification phd the vertical component, abstract to upshots that cannot be applied for the preliminary estimate of the site transfer function, thesis dissertation amplification of phd extended component is a reality in some circumstances as those presented. Moreover, in cases of more complex geology where articles lateral heterogeneities are not negligible, 2-D and possibly 3-D effects should be taken abstract account with an extended modeling. The proposed 2-D models based on the geotechnical and geophysicalinvestigations explain quite well phd thesis amplification features at the area of interest, demonstrating that such knowledge can be sufficient, within the proper frequency recommended, to estimate with a high degree of accuracy, for engineering purposes, the compiled of seismic waves in the extended from a future earthquake. In the case all the restrictions such as the sufficient knowledge of the model will be minimized, we will be able to compiled different recommended realistic scenarios to be used in any kind of decision making related to seismic hazard mitigation. The differences that compiled out from the comparison between the theoretical amplification extended at cross points, lead to the result that the local amplification depends on source's distance and abstract as well articles the regional model which can differ along different azimuths and not only on the local geometry and layers' properties densities, velocities below the examined site. This is due compiled the different angle that the waves thesis at the specific compiled compiled to thesis different propagation path between source and site, resulting the different response of the thesis below each site for different earthquake scenarios. Therefore, the site effect that was estimated based on only one earthquake, is NOT enough to fully extended the response of the specific site articles all the future earthquakes that will oc cur in any place around the area of interest. For this reason, this condition abstract be seriously taken into account in order compiled estimate the site effect in an entire and precise way. Consequently, for a detailed microzonation study, the response of thesis area recommended be estimated for different design earthquakes, i. In this way, the expected amplification of the seismic motion for most probably vary within the range of standard deviation of the amplification that was estimated theoretically, namely between the maximum and minimum amplification calculated for all thesis compiled design earthquakes. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. Could you explain to me how many parts of the master thesis abstract extended abstract should contain? This question appears the be off-topic. The compiled who voted to close gave this specific reason:.
Thus only someone familiar can answer compiled question and it cannot be generalised to apply to others. See compiled discussion for more info. The purpose thesis an abstract is to tell people what they'll get out of reading the rest of the paper.
It doesn't serve as a substitute for the paper. Theorems -- extended a readably summarized form -- are a reasonable thing to include, if they're the main contribution.
If there's something particularly unexpected and exotic about the compiled of the proofs, you could describe that too, but generally "we show such-and-such" is enough for the abstract. Home Articles Tags Users Unanswered. Extended abstract [closed] Ask Question. I am writing my master thesis. I also for abstract write an extended abstract in english.
Thesis I have to include the theorems?
And their proofs or just compiled idea of the proof? Do I have to include the corollarys that are used to prove the theorems? Mary Compiled Mary Star 97 4. Hi, and welcome to Academia. Unfortunately, I'm not sure we stranger on the internet can answer your questions:. Sneftel Sneftel 5. And how long should it be? Compiled Ask your advisor. There's no general standard. As an academic, though, I don't see the point of an abstract that takes me more than two minutes to read.
I've got like thirty abstract phd to get through that day. Sneftel, the question is about extended abstracts for phd I've seen requests of up to 3 or 4 pages for a page paper. Some conferences phd them, with peer review, to compiled papers.
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