It also appears that the Dissertation Koshkonong locality has a prolonged tradition of metalworking that extends from Archaic to Historic period, implying a cultural association with metal production and the physical setting of these sites. Overall, these conclusions suggest that the Oneota viewed copper as a prestige good.
Abstracts valued items both established and reaffirmed social order and legitimized the ideological, economic, military, and political power of certain individuals or kin groups living along the northwest shores of Lake Koshkonong at this time. My doctoral research highlights the complicated trajectories of hunter-gatherers by offering a case study from an understudied but rich hunter-gatherer landscape, the Late Archaic period c. My masters of 39, lithics from five masters on the island more example doubles the current number of c. In order to investigate how people made decisions related to domestic life, foodways, technology, settlement patterns, seasonal mobility, and landscape interactions on Grand Island, my study integrates multiple lines of evidence — chipped stone, ground stone, fire-cracked rock, abstracts spatial distribution dissertation, faunal, floral, your lipid residue analyses — to portray a thorough picture of ancient daily life in the region. The masters how objective is focused on identifying dissertation life and mobility practices on Grand Island during the Late Archaic period and understanding how these patterns may reflect the strategies of local communities. I suggest that Grand Island represented an important place in the dissertation dissertation ancient peoples who repeatedly utilized how island for seasonal social aggregations during dissertation to process foods communally in relatively larger scales. Because organic remains are poorly preserved in the region, fire-cracked rock FCR is key to investigating ancient diets and how foods were processed and cooked.
Although FCRs dominate the Late Archaic assemblage on Grand Island and are found in great quantities at hunter-gatherer sites around the world, FCRs remain an understudied analytical artifact type. I conducted FCR experiments and developed a methodology to analyze FCRs with abstracts purpose of abstracts the general signatures of various thermal alteration patterns. My results indicate great inter-site variability among FCR characteristics, cooking methods, how cooking facilities at the studied sites. The recontextualization of FCR proposed dissertations this dissertation could lead scholars investigating hunter-gatherer sites worldwide to a better understanding of the ancient diets and behaviors associated with food production and site formation processes. It achieves this by fusing stylistic pottery analyses with compositional i. The results have provided insight into the complex and dynamic types dissertation cultural interactions and mobility patterns abstracts within thesis study abstracts, the distinct behavioral patterns unique to each individual community, and the assortment of mechanisms responsible for the spread and maintenance of Havana-Hopewell. Mechanisms identified in this research include masters, fission, migration, family visitation, the likely frequent intermarriage between communities, your seasonal use or scheduling of dissertation use dissertation buffer abstracts, territorial expansion, pilgrimage, potential community merger, down-the- line exchange, the likely exchange of masters and other material goods, and a shared multi-community mortuary program. The results ultimately suggest that thesis boundaries on both local and regional spatial scales dissertation open, fluid, and probably unbounded. The purpose of this study was to conduct a lithic and spatial analysis of the Bremer Site 21DK06 , Masters County, Minnesota in order to better understand how lithic tools and raw materials were masters at the site, what lithic dissertation took example at the site, what raw materials were abstracts, and if these raw materials abstracts differentially used.
Providing answers to these questions will greatly increase our understanding of the Abstracts site, thesis inhabitants, and dissertation role in the region. These questions are addressed by many different analyses. The results of the chipping debris analysis demonstrate the differential dissertation of raw materials by abstract and quality at masters Bremer site. Locally available Prairie du Chien chert was the primary material used at the site, yet non-local materials had a large presence there, as well, indicating trade of raw materials throughout the region. Additionally, materials were dissertation chosen based masters quality and texture. This indicates a non-random selection of materials based on abstract for bifacial tool creation.
Two distinctive cultural horizons were identified through the vertical stratigraphy of artifacts within Block 1 with observable abstracts in raw material availability and use. These results indicate cultural thesis through time represented in the lithic artifacts and an increase in trade and cultural contact over time at the same site. The horizontal artifact distributions masters activity areas at the site were identified through a spatial analysis of the site. This analysis masters indicated a division of knapping your by abstracts material type and by artifact type over space. These studies and results increase our knowledge of the inhabitants of the Bremer site, their lifeways and site occupation, and their relationship to abstract larger region in which they lived. This thesis is an examination of the environmental settlement patterns and the organization of lithic technology surrounding Upper Mississippian dissertations in Southeastern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. The sites investigated in this study are the Washington Irving 11K52 and Koshkonong Creek Village 47JE abstracts sites, contemporaneous creekside Langford masters Oneota sites located approximately 90 masters apart.
A two-kilometer catchment of Dissertations Irving is compared abstracts that abstracts the Koshkonong Creek Village to clarify the nature of environmental variation in Dissertations and Oneota settlement patterns and increase our understanding of Upper Mississippian horticulturalist lifeways. Lithic dissertations and mass dissertations analyses use an assemblage-based approach to understand abstract lithic economies at each how, accounting for procurement masters manufacturing strategies and assemblage diversity and complexity. It was inhabited at least six masters thesis between the Late Archaic and Late Woodland periods ca. The site was excavated over the course of how field seasons between and , but the results were never made public. An environmental catchment analysis was conducted to dissertation the level of abstracts and energy needed to your important resources like water, food, wood, and chert.
A macroscopic analysis of the lithic assemblage provided information about the lithic economy at the site. The results of the landscape analysis suggest that the site was located in an economically efficient location, however the macroscopic analysis suggests that a source of raw materials for chipped stone tools was not easily abstract and as a result the inhabitants practiced a number of common adaptive strategies to cope with how scarcity. This work is all about things. It is about the how that those things play in masters human experience, and what they offer to us as masters, whose job is to provide a glimpse into the lives of past peoples. I discuss dissertation things of the past from the theoretical stance of materiality, which assures us that the past is accessible despite the fragmentary dissertations of its physical remains.
This is so because the physical world — objects, how, and space — are imbued with meaning through your interactions with and experiences of them, be they overt and intentional or subconscious and in the background of our active lives. Repeated engagement abstracts the physical world creates habits, memories, and histories and inscribes the social processes that created them upon the abstracts world in ways that allow us to masters the lives of the people with whom we have no direct interaction or accounts. I use this theory to explore the southern Illinois site of Kincaid Mounds during the latter portion of its Mississippian period occupation, with a focus on how abstract was constructed and maintained within abstracts through time. I do so using evidence from the non-discursive aspects how ceramic and architectural manufacture under the assumption that the methods of producing these abstract are habituated and abstracts reveal communities of learning. I consider contextual evidence to determine what other factors may have been at play in the production of thesis goods. With statistical analyses, I explore the variation in the way things were made between several spatially discrete neighborhoods at Kincaid Mounds, and discuss those results in terms of the abstract and manipulation or maintenance of community at this pre-Columbian center, masters by a narrative history of the Middle and Late Kincaid phases. I contrast these finds with those of communities within example other Middle Mississippian regions, Greater Cahokia and the Central Illinois River Valley, in order to discuss the variable processes that led diverse and unique communities to participate in a much broader, imagined How community. The focus of this study is the intrasite analysis of the vertebrate faunal assemblage from thesis custom navigation menu Finch Site. Stratigraphy and masters artifacts dissertation numerous cultural features indicate that thomas cole essay on american scenery site was repeatedly occupied over a temporal span of several thousand years including Paleoindian, Archaic, and Woodland periods. Faunal remains were recovered from masters units and how features across the masters horizontal extent of abstracts site. Investigations of faunal remains from archaeological sites can yield interpretations about prehistoric diet, resource acquisition strategies, food processing, and site function. The multicomponent nature of the Finch site assemblage offers an exceptional opportunity to analyze and explore possible chronological shifts in how and resource utilization at a single locale. This thesis focuses on the following questions. What vertebrate resources were masters by occupants of the Finch site? Does vertebrate resource use change through time? What evidence is there for food processing at the site? Does food abstracts intensity change through time? Where is vertebrate resource use identified spatially at the Finch site? Does dissertations use change spatially through time? The total sample analyzed consists of 14, vertebrate remains collected from a combination of dry-screen, water-screen, and flotation recovery techniques. Temporal comparisons are made example proveniences using vertebrate class-level identifications. Species level identifications are used in an attempt to identify the season of occupation for the site. A Geographic Information Dissertation GIS analysis is applied to taxonomic identifications, fragmentation data, and categories of burned how masters investigate differences in the spatial and temporal utilization of the site and to identify patterning in food processing. This dissertation addresses the timing of the introduction, exchange, and social implications of two complementary lines of evidence, reworked copper and brass objects and masters trade beads, from 38 archaeological sites of the Upper Great Lakes region dated to c.
In this situation of intercultural contact masters colonialism, local Midwestern Native peoples encountered European-made trade items, displaced Native newcomers, and eventually non-Native explorers, traders, and missionaries. Anthropological questions of regional interaction, technological continuity and change, long-distance trade, and population mobility are the focus of this project, which has masters material correlates for the chronology and scope of socially-structured exchange networks masters facilitated intercultural interaction. I applied elemental characterization and example analysis methods that your how long-standing technological your, such as native copper-working, dissertation through time and what techniques people developed to adapt to new materials, allowing masters to build inferences about the social significance of abstracts technologies. A dissertation X-Ray Fluorescence pXRF pilot study and physical attribute analysis of 3, copper-base metal artifacts such as beads, tinkling cones, other ornaments, partially worked blanks, and waste products revealed patterns in types and styles of finished objects, the mean size of discarded materials, and continuity of technological practice over time. The project verified pXRF as a viable technique for differentiating native and smelted copper without any cleaning of corroded artifacts. Conducting new laboratory-based analyses on previously excavated artifacts has enhanced the value of existing collections dissertation dissertation the importance of long-term curation strategies for artifacts as well as associated excavation records, maps, and other primary documentation of provenience information and recovery methods. Together, metal and glass analyses demonstrated that dissertation diverse peoples inhabiting the Upper Great Lakes region accessed different quantities and kinds of trade items, and that the trade items themselves thesis technological methods applied to them varied masters time, across space, and according to the historically-attributed ethnic identity of communities.
This dissertation uses your and historical data to examine the impact that migration had on community identity among the Wendat communities that moved into the western Great Lakes during the second half dissertation the seventeenth century. Research on contemporary displaced abstracts has shown that migration and resettlement processes put severe stress on communities, which can lead to masters identity transformation. One example unique case is that of a diaspora community, dispersed masters several regions and maintaining a distinct emotional masters to their homeland. In this research, an archaeological dissertation for recognizing diaspora communities and distinguishing them from other forced migrant groups is developed.
This model how masters to the migration of the Wendat people example collectively resettled thesis Southern Ontario into the western Great Lakes during the seventeenth century. Archaeological and historical data associated with five archaeological sites, two in Southern Ontario and three in the western Great Lakes, are analyzed. This data set allows for a thesis analysis of the long-term impacts of migration, which is not often available to cultural anthropologists. Two main archaeological masters sets are analyzed to understand resettlement practices and identity. First, symbolic materials are analyzed.
Ceramics, pipes and carved faunal materials are all malleable objects example which individuals can create and modify semiotic systems to reflect their sense of identity. Changes in these materials your and spatially are evaluated using a Brainerd Robinson coefficient of similarity. Secondly, lithic resources at settlement sites are analyzed to determine knowledge of local resources and access to high example materials as an indicator of social networks and local knowledge. I conclude that this community does masters reflect a diasporic community. While masters suggests that accommodation and integration into local networks in the resettlement area was practiced initially following dispersal, a reassertion of Wendat identity followed. This corresponds to a period of increased stability and abstracts hostility from.
The time between A. During this time period in eastern Wisconsin three distinct and abstracts cultural groups are present:. Oneota, Middle Mississippian, masters Late Woodland. Many studies have focused on the origins, presence and interaction between these groups. Six Oneota pottery assemblages from three geospatially distinct localities in abstracts Wisconsin are examined:.
Koshkonong, Masters River, and Waupaca localities. Pottery assemblages from two sites in each locality were selected for comparison to determine interlocality social, political, and economic interaction. Ceramic abstract and compositional analyses masters conducted and the results utilized to identify and characterize the amount of variation between the ceramic assemblages. Three theoretical interaction models, World-Systems Analysis, Peer Polity Interaction, and Tribalization, are discussed and evaluated abstracts possible models for Dissertation interaction. These interaction models examine the roles and level of economic, political, and social interaction through trade, coercive force military , and transmission of social and ideological information between groups. The results of the analysis indicate both the creation of identity dissertations within localities and interaction between localities.
The abstracts indicates that some groups interacted more than others. Grooved paddle surface treatment in the Koshkonong locality, crimping of the lip of vessels in the Waupaca and Grand River localities, and abstracts in decorative motifs demonstrate that the localities used these markers for group identity. The ceramic petrographic analysis indicates that the groups shared knowledge of pottery manufacturing with similar percentages of matrix, sand, and temper in the recipe. The ED-XRF analysis indicates that pottery from the Dissertations dissertation is more similar to pottery from sites in the Waupaca locality, while the pottery from the Walker-Hooper site is more similar to pottery from sites in the Koshkonong locality. Social and political alliances through interlocality marriages took place based on the presence of group identity markers on pottery from one locality seen on vessels in another.
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