We just need to check something in your message and will publish it as soon as we can. Study tools dissertation advice 12 tips to get top grades Interactive study planner Free learning resources. Undergraduate Full time how teacher would check you essay for plagiarism time. Turn on thread page Beta Toggle. Start new discussion Reply. Follow 1. I have 2 weeks only to write my Msc dissertation of 15, words.
I have done all my research. Days I have had terrible trouble writing for the last month. Basically I have been writing only about words a day maximum. I have about 'done', but it's rubbish and I'm going to have to re-do it. But I am one of those people that can write word essays in the 24 hours before the deadline and get good marks, but of course a dissertation is entirely dissertation and now I am freaking out about the volume of work I have left to do.
Anyone got any success purchase to share? I really don't want to hear about how I am screwed, in need of a bit of hope here the keep me going! But Follow 9 followers 13 badges Buying a private message to Jellybeany. Follow 2. Hey, I'm just wishing you good luck!
I need the same help Currently trying to days buying dissertation. Got more words to write by Sunday and buying though I have research I feel like it's not enough and I've come to a standstill I have another assignment only words phew to finish by Monday as well. Posted purchase BUYING Mobile. Follow 3.
Follow 4. My MPhys thesis is like 30, dissertation, dissertation not fair. Follow 5. Big empathy and respect people. Buy a shed load days food and hibernate with laptop.
Have a break doing something fun to restore sanity. I'm writing my results section at the moment but other areas of my life are so complex at the moment so I'll be relieved to hand it in and I'm holding onto how good that will feel as my motivation. Follow 6. Wasn't purchase this guy who went to Warwick and did it in 48 hours and received a 2:. Search it on google I'm sure you'll find the story.
Follow 7. Follow 8. I have one month left including binding and I am petrified. Have far better things to be doing and my data is overcomplicated, poor quality, heavy statistics and has such a days sample size it's never going to produce a significant result. I have the main points of days literature review just about together and I know how it leads into my variables and methodology, but it still needs buying out to about words.
I hope I can get that done in one long dark night of the soul and then write as I go along buying the data analysis. Good luck dissertation all and I will definitely be bookmarking this thread! Follow 9. You can do it! That's what I keep telling myself anyway aha. So I've got roughly words left of the critical review and I really would like to get it done even if only a rubbish version to be able to show my supervisor at 1pm tomorrow.
Real just under 17 hours. dissertation prospectus education do you think? Days 10. Original post by xenophile No success stories buying I'm in exactly plagiarism same boat. I'm a last minute person but I days I may have bitten purchase more than I can chew this time. Buying watch this buying and await magic solutions. Follow 11. Original post by Jellybeany You can do it! Follow 12. Go for it and good luck! Let us know if you get it done. Follow 13.
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