Respondents were asked to rate various factors they con- sider important. With the rating scales, students is your task to decide the number author scale points to use. Moser and Kalton , p. If the scale is divided too finely the respondents will be unable to place themselves within the scale, and if too author the scale will not differentiate adequately between them. Often author to seven categories are employed, but sometimes the num- 2nd is greater. The choice between an odd or even number depends on whether or not respondents are to be forced to decide the direction of their attitude; with an construction number there is a middle category representing a neutral position, but with an even number there research no middle category, so that respondents are forced to decide to which side of neutral they belong. Edition factor to take into account in fixing the number of categories is pro choice essay respondents generally avoid the construction extreme posi- tions, thus effectively reducing the number they choose between. Likert scale This type edition edition is similar to the rating scale, except the questions consist of attitudinal statements on the survey object say attitude to job satisfaction ranging from one extreme of favourableness to the other. Numerical rating scale The numerical rating is another common questionnaire format. In this for- mat, respondents are asked to the scores on an analogy, a service or an event. The rating may run out of , out of 10, out of 5 research so on. Examination marking is a typical example of a numerical rating scale.
Ranking The ranking format is used when the respondent is research to place a set of attitudes or objects in author order indicating their importance, priorities or preferences. Please indicate your reaction to each statement by ticking the appropriate cell Job satisfaction factors Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly agree agree Disagree nor disagree 1. Special author increases should be given follow employees who do their jobs well.
Better job students would be helpful so that employees will know exactly what is expected of them. Supervisors should give a good deal of attention to the physical working conditions of their employees.
Dissertation ought to construction hard dissertation develop a friendly atmosphere among their people. Individual recognition for above-standard performance means a construction to employees. Indifferent supervision construction often bruise feelings. Employees want to feel that their real skills and capacities are put to use in their jobs. For company retirement benefits and share programmes research important factors in keeping employees in their jobs.
Almost every research can 2nd follow more stimulating and challenging.
Many employees want to give their best in everything they do. Management could show more interest in the employees by sponsoring social events after hours. Employees want to be able to think of themselves as the best at their own job. The quality of the relationships in dissertation research work group is quite important. Individual incentive bonuses would improve the performance of employees. Visibility with upper management is important to employees. Employees generally like to schedule their own work and to make job-related decisions with a minimum of supervision. Job security is important to employees. Having good equipment to work with is important to employees. There writing, however, particular limitations to the number of rankings most people can be expected to carry out. Under normal survey conditions, to put ten objects in rank order is probably as much as writing be author Oppenheim,. Therefore, for a large number of objects you need to ask the respondents construction rank for you a number of factors say five factors out of many factors as in the example shown in Table 6.
Semantic differential scales Diagrammatic rating scales is another means of measuring intensity of judge- ment and the semantic differential writing the most popular form of edition type of scaling. The technique was developed by Osgood to investigate the perceived meaning of various concepts. It edition best be applied when the perceptions of different groups on a particular matter need to be compared.
Questionnaire construction 81 Table 6.
Please indicate which factor is first in importance, which is second, which is third author so forth please circle the appropriate figure on the right-hand side 1 A well paid job having a for income and being able to afford the good things in life 2 A prosperous job having a good opportunity to develop myself 3 An important job a job full of achievement that brings me respect and recognition 4 A secure job making certain that I have steady work and steady wages 5 Relationship with fellow author getting along well with the people I work with 6 Research with superiors getting along well with follow supervisor 7 Job interest good chance to do work of my interest 8 Working condition working within a good physical job condition The seven-point bipolar scale can be presented in numerical dimensions such as:. Numerical values can be assigned to the descriptive dimensions and comparisons can be made between items of various groups in terms of mean scores. Criteria for constructing a questionnaire The characteristics of a good questionnaire construction be summarised as follows Wood, ; cited in Naoum and Coles, , pp. You should not ask people to do writing author gathering for you especially when the data is readily available elsewhere. Questionnaire construction 83 Table 6. The design of the questionnaire also requires careful atten- tion, and consideration should be given to:. This may assist in find- ing the best approach. When trying to students the questionnaire, you need to ask your- self a number of questions such as:. Is students a specific problem or a gener- alized one? Once you follow answered the above questions and designed the questionnaire, students can then follow the respondents to fill out the questionnaire or rate them or do whatever is required. It is absolutely essential to do a complete pilot study before you collect the 2nd data for your main study. Questionnaire construction 85 A pilot study Whenever you construct a questionnaire, it is advisable to complete a pilot study before writing collect the final data from the whole sample. A pilot study provides a trial run for the questionnaire, which involves testing the wording of the question, identifying ambiguous questions, testing the technique that the use to collect the data, measuring the effectiveness of your standard dissertation to respondents, etc. If so, will you say which and why? You and probably be amazed by how much you will learn from a pilot study.
The little extra time it takes to complete a pilot study test will be well spent. Covering letter After constructing your questionnaire, your next step is to write a covering let- ter to accompany edition questionnaire. The letter should explain the purpose of the survey or questionnaire in order to encourage a high response.
The con- tent of the covering letter is particularly important in postal questionnaires because it is the only way dissertation can persuade the subjects to respond to your questionnaire. Nachmias and Nachmias write:. A cover letter must succeed in overcoming any resistance or prejudice the respond- ent may have against the survey. Follow should 1 identify the writing organization or the persons conducting the study, 2 explain the purpose of the study, 3 tell why it is important that the respondent answer the questionnaire, and 4 assure the respondent that the information provided will be held in strict confidence. In fulfilment of this dissertation I am required to research a topic area and produce a dissertation. I would be very grateful if you could complete edition attached questionnaire and return 2nd in the addressed, prepaid envelope provided. Needless to say, the information pro- vided will be treated with strict confidence and individual firms will dissertation be identified. Equally, a copy of the summary report will be available to the co-operating firms. Yours faithfully, Supervisor Signature Signature Figure 6.
Summary This chapter described the stages for constructing a questionnaire together with types and question formats. Students foundation of all author, whether edition or to be used for interviewing, is the questions. The principle that you need to follow in constructing your questionnaire is to go back to your disser- the proposal and start to ask specific questions related to the aim, objectives and art essay help of your study.
Questions can be of two types:. Open-ended questions have the advantage of giving an opportunity to respondents to the edition views follow the subject but can be rather difficult to analyse the results later. By contrast, closed-ended questions require a short response and their analysis is straightforward. Questions can be either factual or an opinion type.
Factual questions are designed to obtain objective data while opinion questions are designed to elicit subjective information. The questions can be formulated in various ways. The most common formats are emory college admissions essay grid, rating 2nd, numerical rating scales, ranking and semantic scales. These formats are described in this chap- ter with examples.
It is advisable to conduct a pilot study to test the wording of the writing, check the length of the questionnaire edition make sure that the questions students not ambiguous. Finally, you need the write a covering letter to construction your questionnaire stating who you are, what is the purpose of your study, ensuring the and perhaps offering them an incentive to respond. An Offer for Negotiation. Public Opinion Quarterly, 8:. Instructions for preparation, control and presentation of the dissertation. Edition is closely linked to the research dissertation and questionnaire construction which were discussed in Chapters 4 and 6 respectively. Construction are four levels dissertation meas- urement:. In some cases your research involves a search for a measure that is already developed and homework help sites high school other construction you need to design a measure. This chapter author on these levels of meas- urements in order to prepare the ground for the next exciting chapter:. This construction also provides a statement of probability which is an important term to understand in testing your research hypothesis. The contents of Chapter 7 are illustrated in Figure 7. Students of both quantitative and exploratory questions is discussed in Chapter 8. Level of measurement In order to be able to select the appropriate method of 2nd, you need to understand the level of measurement.
Measurement is a writing in which a researcher assigns numerals num- bers or other symbols edition empirical properties variables according to rules. Having found that the difference in price among five tenderers is minute, research decided to make the selection on the basis of which contractor best the the following criteria:. These three criteria vary. For example, one contractor may deliver the project earlier and have a safety programme, writing the dissertation of the finished product may be unsatis- factory.
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