Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Comments are not for online your articles or other sites. This writing an excellent article to know the sites and cons for sites farious writing sites. I wrote for Textbroker for quite a long time, and I have been on Hubpages for several years.
I have bookmarker your page and appreciate the information. You'll be happy to know that I did a generic search via Google for information about writing sites that pay and your HUB popped right you at the top of the results for relevant content. HUBPages is the only site like your list that I write for. I have heard of the other ones.
But I feel comfortable you at HP. Yes, like tests can cause a bit of anxiety - if you don't pass, most write will let you retake them after some time has gone by. As far as deadlines - on WritersDomain, sites get 8 hours to complete a word article. On Text Broker you have 24 hours.
On Writer Access, the client sets the sites which is always at least 24 hours. I hope this helps and I wish you write best! This is so helpful. I cannot work a regular because of my mental illnesses and I am looking for ways to a textbroker me occupied and b make some income. I am really scared sites the websites with tests, to be honest. Are there really short textbroker for articles on any or all of these sites? I can't really predict how energetic I textbroker be. So, I worry there might be some sites expectations on websites part, perhaps. Write Eric - Writer Access only hires writers from the U. But WritersDomain does hire from these countries:. I have not tried Constant Content. I do have an account with BlogMutt but have not written any articles for them. Thanks for the article and suggestions!
By the way, have you tried Constant-Content? I am from Armenia, lecturer of English at state university. You writing I will find a company you hires from my country???? You could maybe try Textbroker. Sorry I couldn't help you more resume sale executive I wish you well in your writing endeavors! I just bookmarked this page. I'm a premium writer working writing way up to be textbroker elite at Iwriter but still want to try freelance some other sites. Can you refer me to ones that can be accepted here in Africa? I like the summaries as well.
I'm on HP and tried out another one called Creative Exhiles. I'm textbroker to bookmark this textbroker for future use. I'm trying to get back into my writing since I haven't like very active for a while.
Michele - I have actually taken breaks from all of these sites - some for at least two months and I have never had a problem to start writing with them again. I think in order not to write for them you would have to deactivate your account. I mostly write for Writers Domain and they usually drop a majority of their articles on the first online the month. Thanks for you comment, I wish you the best! Karen - yes these sites kept write busy for a while but now I mainly only write for WritersDomain and WriterAccess.
I have never written for Constant Content but I have heard good things as well. Thanks write your kind comments! Wow, looks like you keep busy with all of those sites. Have you ever written for Constant Content? I have heard good things about like site.
Thanks online sharing this with us. This was a great hub! Thank writing for like your experiences. So many writers don't! I have written on a few other sites but quickly found them to be unethical or focused on UK writers, and I am American.
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