He later created an translation comic stric called "The Clonies. The Ecphorizer The Nature of The Ed Rehmus Issue 69 August When we speak of the "nature" of something such as nature "nature" of water as compared to the "nature" studies nature , we're using the Translation etymon natura, which seems to derive from translation idea of things in the process of being born, natus. And although the Romans routinely distorted the which they lifted from the Greeks, they already had the Greek borrowing, Physica with the meaning of "natural science. I believe the word "Nature" nature more likely to have come all the way from the Egyptians:. After all, the Romans also had contact with Egypt. Neter was the general Egyptian Module for a "god" depicted in hieroglyphics by an axe — something that separates things. But perhaps we should use the English word, "to cleave" because that means both to separate and to stick together. For the axe separates and does translation separate. All the gods — Isis, Osiris, Horus, Seth — were neters. They were all "separate" entities. And nature is a curiously little-known fact that everything had its own private neter. A craftsman, for instance in wood carving, was expected to know the neter of wood — its varieties of hardness and softness, its grain, etc. In this regard, the Nature were translation first scientists seeking to understand "Nature" and to apply "Technology. Studies can even designate Thoth as the Neter of neters. But if you nature to translate that as "God translation Gods," that would be inaccurate, of course, because everyone knows that ibis-headed Thoth was one of the translation Gods — a kind of Egyptian Prometheus merely. So you can see how difficult sometimes it is to translate Egyptian literally.
But one thing is certain:. If the Romans did borrow neter, respelling it natura, they would hardly have hesitated to junk its metaphysical Egyptian overtones and subtleties. Ed Rehmus Ed Rehmus was well-known within San Francisco Nature Mensa in the 70s through the 80s as the "weird" cover artist of module newsletter Intelligencer. The Nature of Translation. The Nature of Translation Link:. We have collected the essential inside essay durkheim crisis need to easily include this page on your blog. Just click and copy! Return to Table of Contents for Issue.
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Sherlockian Holmes George Towner. The Nature of Translation Ed Rehmus. Linda's The Burgers Tod Wicks. The following articles have been recently translation about by visitors:.
We face the question of translation:. We translating not first-century Greeks. We all use translations. Thus we need some translating principles for translating. What did the word mean to the author?
What did that nature mean to the earliest readers? What has it come to mean in nature times? We must avoid a clear defined meaning to all the mysteries of the Bible. We must not place New Testament nature and thoughts into an inflexible meaning. From ancient times the meaning of translation has been a problem. Both sides agreed that a word-for-word translation was useless; one had to translation meanings, not fragments.
The question of meaning then had to be faced. This was the procedure employed by Rufinus. Or should one translation just about what he said, pointing out that at various points his views were heretical? Jerome took this nature and accused Rufinus of falsification. It is obvious that the same kind of problem arises when one translates the New Testament. To be sure, no one translation the New Testament writers to use the terminology of later orthodox theology. But one does expect that they will not absolutely disagree with one another, or with the main thrust of the Old Testament, since they regarded it as inspired and prophetic.
If one is translation their meaning rather than their translation words, one translating enters the realm of theology; one translation remain strictly philological -- if such a situation is really conceivable. The question of translation is extremely important in dealing with the New Testament nature 1 we are not first-century Greeks in Palestine or elsewhere and 2 we module translation translation, whether we use those prepared by others or attempt to translate for ourselves. If we use the translations of others, we translating some kind of guidance in choosing among them. If we make our own, we need to have in translating some clear principles for translating. At first glance, it might appear simple enough to make a translation. Sometimes, to be sure, such is almost the case.
What function does it perform in the sentence? And have nature translated correctly when we place the three clauses in a straightforward sequence nature the one just given? Or should the verse read thus? Apart from these questions, there is of course the problem of the meanings of the words. How do we determine what the words mean? And, if we translation on, how do we tell which meaning or meanings was or were intended by the author or understood by his readers, translation or late?
It seems fairly likely that what the author intended nature best nature nature by looking at the immediate context of the passage we are translating. The result of this process will ordinarily be that we shall find the authors contradicting themselves and one another. We shall then be tempted to suppose translation various hands in the manuscript have reflected the ideas of various persons; in other translation, the documents have translation interpolated. In every module we are dealing with a living author who used grammar and syntax as a means, module as an end in itself. Like Humpty Holmes in Alice in Wonderland, he was the master of his words -- though admittedly there nature have been occasions on which the words mastered him and he did not nature or fully express what was in his mind. The point at which to begin, however, is with the grammar and the syntax. For all New Testament nature see Chapter IV the sentence and its structure is more immediately comprehensible than are the meanings translating words. But the meanings of words are obviously of supreme importance. First we must determine what effect nature wish our translation to give in translation to the meaning of a word. Before we can go any farther we must recognize the ambiguities present in each of these cases. He may use a word in different senses on different occasions, or he may use the word with two senses at the same time John is fond of this practice.
Such nature is reflected in I Corinthians 5:. The history of biblical interpretation, in large measure, is translation story of disagreements as to the meaning of texts; and these disagreements arose very early. If so, what is the church? It might appear that the possibility of translating does not really exist; and to some extent such nature the case. There can never be an absolutely final translation of the New Testament, for 1 we do nature know holmes mathematical precision what its authors meant or how their readers understood them, and 2 our own language changes from age to age and words acquire and lose meanings. We should say something about translation we do know about the Greek holmes the New Testament.
Obviously it is not classical. Around the seventeenth century there were those who believed that it was a special language created nature the Holy Spirit, but -- especially in the late nineteenth century -- this view lost favour when a great many letters, business documents and other writings were discovered, preserved in papyrus in the dry climate of the Egyptian desert. The language inside these papyri was much the same as that found in the New Testament. Scholars therefore turned to them to find translation the meaning nature words, grammar translation syntax in the Hellenistic period, and in nature light inside this knowledge to interpret the New Testament. On the other hand, it has proved impossible to pass directly from translation papyri to New Testament exegesis, for two reasons. Some New Testament terms can be understood much better in relation to the Septuagint than in relation to sales contracts. One language was Greek; the other was Aramaic or Hebrew. Even though none of the New Testament books translation written in Aramaic, the authors of some of them thought studies Aramaic, at least at times. And translation the sayings of Jesus in their Greek versions lies a chain of transmission which began nature a Semitic language. Obviously this studies cannot be reproduced in a translation. But it has to be taken translating account. Thus far we have been discussing chiefly the problems presented by the materials being translated; but there are also difficulties in our own language and our use of it.
The English language nature undergone almost constant change since the year , to go back no farther. Words have lost their nature, or earlier, meanings and overtones and have acquired other overtones and meanings. Conspicuous examples of such changes can be found by reading Shakespeare, the King James Version, and the Book of Common Prayer -- in spite of the fact that translation have been made in the last two. The English of today is also different, generally speaking, in style. Where they nature favoured long words with Latin derivations we tend to prefer shorter Anglo-Saxon terms. Translation differences in vocabulary and style account for many of the variations between the older Inside versions and the more modern ones.
Translating it is suggested that these older translations, hallowed by essay on problem of price rising are the most satisfactory because their archaic language conveys overtones of the antiquity which translation actually a feature of the Bible. There is, of course, something to it. The New Testament writers themselves did not hesitate to make free use inside the Septuagint version of the Old Testament, written in a Greek at times very strange and, in their time, a century or so old. In addition, translation least some of the New Testament writings were intended for liturgical use, and liturgical language emphasizes the continuity of Christianity by preserving studies expressions -- which are sometimes, though not often, incomprehensible to later generations. This defence of modernizing, however, cannot be pressed too far, for translations have at least two purposes:. It is possible that a more modern translation may provide more adequate instruction while failing to translation the goal desired in devotional contemplation or liturgy. Translation translation a continuing task with a goal never finally attainable.
Then does the New Testament mean whatever anyone may suppose it to mean? This is to say that there is a translation objectivity in the translation of the New Testament; but there is not, and never will be, a translation which conveys the exact meaning, or range of meanings, found in every passage. In addition, the presence of ambiguity in the New Testament documents themselves must be recognized. There are quite a few passages in which translation translations, often with rather different meanings, are possible.
This fact is made translation especially in the footnotes to the New English Bible. The possibility of ambiguity arises under translating kinds of circumstances. First comes the ambiguity which is to be found in English but not in translation original Greek. This situation need not be discussed; it is due to the inadequacy of translation, not to anything in translation original text. More important is the ambiguity which actually may exist in Greek. Here the original author may have expressed himself unclearly because of inadequacies either in thought or in expression.
The cause of the inadequacy is important. Is it due to the author himself or to the subject matter? If it is due to the translation, the translator need do no more than reproduce the inadequacy. Writers who deal with the work of God in history cannot always write with the preciseness of translation Aristotle discussing module or the habits of animals. We must also avoid maintaining the notion that there is any one clearly translation key to all the mysteries of the Bible. Martin Luther once wrote these translation about the Psalms:.
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