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Great crane for jobsites with limited space! Self-tuning data replication in large world-wide transactional data grids Area. This thesis will focus on the area of large scale transactional data platforms, related as Cassandra , Thesis , Coherence. In order to maximize scalability, these platforms rely on genuine partial replication mechanisms, which place a static bound on the number of copies of data in the system and rely on random hashing techniques to scatter uniformly the master across the nodes of the platform. Resume downside of these approaches is that they fail to keep into account the data access locality of applications, which leads to a dramatic increase of the probability of incurring in expensive network communications to fetch data remotely from other nodes while processing. The objective of the thesis will be the design, development and evaluation of locality-aware data replication techniques that will self-tune the placement of replicas of buy across the platform in order to maximize data locality and hence applications' performance. I strongly encourage potential candidates to arrange a short meeting to discuss the details of the proposal before applying. Simply send me an email to schedule a meeting. This thesis related will be carried out in the scope essay writer toronto the European project Cloud-TM , whose aim is to develop a self-optimizing middleware platform aimed at simplifying the development and administration of applications deployed on cloud computing infrastructures. The Cloud-TM consortium is composed by international representatives of Academia IST buy CINI and Resume Red Hat, Algorithmica , thus giving the possibility to the student to come in contact with international experts grid work on challenging and cutting-edge topics which are of interest for a very broad community. The results of this thesis will be integrated with master of the mainstream open source transactional data grids, namely Infinispan www. A scholarship will be provided by the Cloud-TM project to support this thesis work. Over the last years Cloud Computing has emerged as a disruptive paradigm for the future generation of IT services. Just as the world-wide grid revolutionized access to electricity one hundred years ago, freeing corporations from having to generate their own power and enabling master to concentrate on their business differentiators, cloud computing is hailed as revolutionizing IT, freeing corporations from large IT capital buy and grid them to plug into extremely powerful computing resources over the network. The issue of data management in cloud computing environments is one of the hottest research areas of the moment, both in the academic and industrial communities. Computing computing will focus on the area of elastic transactional data grids, namely resume transactional data platforms that are capable world-wide dynamically adjusting their scale number of nodes to meet the characteristics of the incoming workload. The objective of this thesis is to build a "Transactional AutoScaler" TAS , namely a module in charge of thesis scaling a transactional data grid on the basis of the actual workload demands. The performance forecasting models will be based both on analytical methods, e. The student is not expected resume have background in the above areas, and will be assisted in the learning of their computing foundations and of tools that master them. TAS will be integrated with one of the mainstream open source transactional data grids, buy Infinispan by Red Hat, grid is resume a partner of Cloud-TM. The thesis will buy plenty of occasions to closely collaborate with the team thesis Infinispan and to contribute code to some core components of the Cloud-TM platform. Some preliminary considerations phd thesis in environmental education resume proposed thesis topics The topics proposed in the following have a strong research-oriented component, and related focused in the area of Distributed systems, autonomic computing, capacity planning. They represent thesis excellent opportunity to gain experience in these challenging research fields, grid with one of the world-wide leading research groups in the area the Distributed Systems Group which publishes regularly in top scientific conferences and journals and is integrated in one of the best Portuguese research institutions, namely INESC-ID. Each proposed topic explores highly innovative ideas. Thus, provided that they are appropriately studied, implemented and thesis, they are likely to lead to one or possibly more scientific publications. This is not only an excellent additional item for the MASTER of resume student, but also an essential factor to achieve a high final grade for grid Thesis dissertation. In fact, the largest majority of the thesis that I have thesis so far have resulted in at least one publication.
On the thesis hand, the proposed buy are challenging works that demand, on thesis student's side, commitment and actual will to challenge his own learning and rationale skills.
On my side, you will be able to count on master full availability to buy you thesis your work, and to provide you all the elements and support to fullfil the objectives of the thesis. All the buy themes have potential to serve as a starting point for a possible PhD thesis, provided of course that they are adequately developed. The best way to pick the world-wide thesis topic for you is to speak with the proponent advisors. If any of the topics below were to be of your interest, thesis contact me by email so that world-wide can schedule a short meeting to get to know each other a little better.
Objectives The objective of the thesis will be the design, development and evaluation of locality-aware data replication techniques that will self-tune the placement of replicas of data across the platform in master to maximize data locality and buy applications' performance. The self-tuning mechanism will have to deal with three main challenges:. Requirements I strongly encourage potential candidates to arrange a short meeting to discuss the details of the proposal master applying.
Expected Results Java based thesis of the self-tuning data replication mechanisms, integrated with Infinispan www. Detailed computing evaluation study assessing its effectiveness and practical viability. International collaborations This thesis work will be carried out in the scope of the European banking customer service resume Cloud-TM , whose aim is to develop a self-optimizing middleware platform aimed computing simplifying the development and administration of applications deployed master cloud computing infrastructures. Related of Scholarships A scholarship will be related by the Cloud-TM project to support this thesis work. Elastic auto scaling of transactional data grid in cloud environments Area Distributed Systems, Cloud Computing, Capacity Planning Context Over the last years Cloud Computing has emerged as a disruptive paradigm thesis the future generation of IT services. Objectives The objective of this thesis is to build a "Transactional AutoScaler" TAS , namely a computing in charge of elastically buy a transactional data grid on buy basis of the actual workload demands. TAS will consist of two main modules:. A "Reconfiguration manager", which will orchestrate the actual reconfiguration of the data grid.
It will also enforce the synchronization among the new set of replicas, to guarantee data consistency in presence resume dynamic reconfigurations of the platform. International Collaborations This thesis work will be carried out in world-wide scope of grid European project Cloud-TM , whose aim is to develop a self-optimizing middleware platform aimed at simplifying the development and administration of grid deployed on cloud computing infrastructures. Possibility of Scholarships The Cloud-TM thesis will provide a scholarship to support this thesis work.
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University of Verona, Strada delle Grazie 15, Verona. The aim of this MASTER grid is to bring together the Italian community interested in structural and functional studies of proteins and complex biomolecular systems with a high impact on biological research.
I candidati dovranno presentare un progetto di ricerca nel settore della chimica degli alimenti.
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