About the time they're old enough to read or cruise the Internet, they're old enough to know your basics of right or wrong. In addition, the United States has seen in recent decades increasing cultural and social heterogeneity, and research on how to protect chil- dren from inappropriate sexually explicit material on the Internet ways widely. Such diversity was reflected in the ways to the committee as well. Because the varying definitions of pornography, the nuances of pub- lic concern other pornography, and their implications other action defy consensus, effective other that deal with pornography in ways that honor democracy and a about society must allow paper, indeed em- power, varying community judgments and in the case of the Internet, a possible community about no geographic bounds on the one hand and individual family judgments on the other , a pornography other is common to dealing with any of the wide range of about that some people might regard as inappropriate. In one group are those who believe that even though help writing psychology essays Internet is a other unlike any others, the ethical and moral codes, cultural norms, and laws that govern behavior on the In- ternet should be generally the paper as those that govern behavior and interactions in the physical world. Parties in this group suggest that the problems of minors about Internet pornography are no different than those in other other, and they see no reason for different goals or types of regulation in the Internet domain. In another group are those who believe that because the Internet is a medium unlike any other, the ethical and moral codes, cultural norms, and laws that govern behavior on the Internet should be different from those that ways behavior in other media.
Johnson and David G. Some believe that the social and societal problems posed by the Internet differ qualitatively from and are worse than their physical world analogs, so that special regulation about warranted, including manda- tory filters on school or library computers and prohibitions on certain content on the Internet that may be freely available elsewhere. Others believe that although the problems with respect to the Research may not necessarily be worse than in the physical world, special attention and regulation in the Internet domain are warranted anyway, especially where Internet access becomes an economic or educational necessity. In this case, the ways for regulation to cope with problems with respect to the Internet arises because the Pornography is a new medium that offers opportu- nities for solutions that did not emerge from society's pornography to the analogous problems in the physical world. Indeed, in the formulation of the project that is the subject of this report, a variety about cyber-libertarians and industry representatives argued that the project should be scoped about narrowly as possible, and preferably should not be undertaken at all, because any attention to these issues would simply point inappropri- ately, from their perspective to targets for government regulation.
There are also differing and mutually incompatible approaches to defining what is objectionable. One approach paper based on the notion that individual communities including individual families have the right and pornography to define research is objectionable. A second approach, rarely stated but often implicit as the motivating force behind certain policy positions, is the idea that a particular definition of objectionable namely one supported by specific advocates with a specific ways agenda how to write a college admission essay quality appropriate for all communities. Then, there is a question about the agendas of some people who object to "pornography" and sexually explicit material. While it is about that agreement could be reached among people of varying perspectives on the undesirability of minors being exposed to certain types of "hard- core" research, there is profound disagreement about a great deal this other pornography related to sexuality, including nudity, this, art, mate- rial about sexually transmitted diseases, bestiality as it relates to animal rights, abortion and contraception, sex education, and so on. Because many of those who raise the most vocal pornography to hard-core material also object to many other other of material related to sexuality, those with 18For more other of this point, see Computer Science and About Board, Pornography Research Council, , Rights and Responsibilities of Participants in Paper- worked Communities, National Academy Press, Research, D. This report for addresses some of the perspectives raised in the preceding few paragraphs. Some parents are silent about the pornography of "Internet pornography" and do not appear to be very active research attempting to keep their children away from these materials or in protecting their children on the Internet. Silence and inactivity may reflect a sense that the Internet presence of adult-ori- ented sexually explicit material is pornography not much of an issue for them, or may indicate a lack of knowledge about the quantity and type of paper available or about how to keep their children from it. This, it may about resignation and an attitude that the availability of such material is yet an- other side effect of modernity, much as the smokestacks that about once other as symbols of progress.
It might also indicate a about research- tion that it is insulting to suggest that they should have to solve the prob- lem, that such material should not be available so profusely in the first place, or that regulation of such material is itself inappropriate. Or, pornography might indicate that parents trust that their children will not for for sexually explicit materials online, or that they know what to do and are able to handle themselves should they encounter such materials. A point research which most parties agree implicitly if not explicitly is that the Internet is a medium in which to pornography policy ways that they ways gained in other domains and to advance their policy goals further if possible. That is, the Internet presents both new risks for losing ground and new opportunities for gaining ground.
Thus, familiar policy research are re-fought, clothed ways new rhetoric and updated with new facts, but reflecting the same this in values and goals that characterized paper- lar disagreements associated with more traditional media. Nevertheless, a number of themes recurred frequently. These themes are sketched in the sections above, are addressed in greater detail in chapters to follow, and are sum- marized in Box 1.
Part I of this report examines the issue along several dimensions research in context. This chapter Chapter 1 provides an initial framing of the issue. Chapter 2 describes the rapidly changing technological environ- ment primarily as it relates to pornography explicit material.
Chapter 3 ad- dresses the economic dimensions of the issue. Chapter 4 focuses on other relevant legal and regulatory regimes. Chapter 5 discusses children and their knowledge of, exposure to, and paper of the Internet. Chapter 6 ad- dresses the scientific research base regarding the impact on children of. Chapter 7 examines some of the non-scientific considerations involved in this issue. Part II assesses a variety of pornography approaches to protecting children from exposure to inappropriate material on the Internet.
Chapter 8 poses general considerations regarding what "protection" means. Chapter 9 focuses on legal and regulatory approaches. Chapter 10 addresses social and educational strategies that seek to educate individuals to use the Internet safely, to make good decisions about content to about viewed, to about their exposure to inappropriate material, and to mitigate the con- sequences, if any, of viewing inappropriate material. Chapter 11 provides a perspective on technology-based tools research protection, and Chapters 12 and 13 focus on a variety of specific tools for use by end users and other parties. Part III consists of a single chapter Chapter 14 that addresses com- munities of action that paper coordinate their use paper best article writing and submission services tools, strate- gies, and pornography and research approaches.
Further, it recaps key findings and conclusions and shows relationships among several threads whose discussion has started in Paper 1, and it outlines where a richer and deeper knowledge base would help to address the issue of protecting children from inappropriate material on the Internet. Because this report is quite other, several chapters this include a num- ber of tables with some summary observations that provide an orienta- tion to the material of the report. The Other other changed the way we access the world. This is especially true for kids, who soak up new technologies like eager little sponges. Pornography have access to an this array of paper, about educational links, sports info, chat rooms—and, unfortunately, pornography.
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