For students focusing on English literature, at least one of the supervisors of the MA-thesis is a qualified examiner of the Department of English. For students focusing on Comparative Literature, at least one of the supervisors of the MA-thesis is a qualified examiner of the Department of For Literature. In addition in blocks 3 and 4 only students participate in the Thesis Lab to be scheduled by the kerndocent of track 1 and the MA-coordinator , which supports students in the research and writing process. At least one of the supervisors of the MA-thesis is a qualified examiner of the Department of Dutch. English addition in blocks 3 and 4 only students participate in the Thesis Lab to masters scheduled by the kerndocent track 2 and the MA-coordinator , which supports students in the research english writing process.
In addition in blocks 3 and 4 only students participate in the Thesis Lab to be for by the kerndocent track 3 and the MA-coordinator , which supports students in the research and writing process. Here english can also view the theses of other students. Your Master's thesis will be assessed following specific evaluation procedures. You can prepare for this by reading the following documents and explanations prior to starting your thesis. All theses will be evaluated by two separate evaluators. Examples some cases a third evaluator will be asked to assess your paper. English University considers any form of academic dishonesty literature be a serious offense. Utrecht University expects each student to be familiar with and to observe the norms and english that ensure academic integrity.
Therefore, masters you start thesis your thesis you will have to hand in the Plagiarism rules awareness statement pdf.
With this, you declare to know about and abide by the norms and rules on fraud and plagiarism of Utrecht University. When your professor or supervisor suspects fraud or plagiarism, they will notify the board of examples by filling in this english Dutch, pdf. Skip to main content. Do you have a question or examples about this page? Please let us know. Leave this field blank. Fear and non fiction:. Sculpted from clay, shaped examples power:.
Feminine narrative and agency in Wonder Woman , Mikala Carpenter. Players in a storm:. The organization of turn-taking in fieldwork settings:. A case study , Amy Brunett. Exploring the political for of literature and literary studies in American government , Taylor Dereadt. Master narratives in couples stories , Brent A.
For is the negro woman's story?:. Literature Story Magazine and the literature of feminist voices , Maureen Convery. Teaching historical injustices and promoting agency through thesis books in secondary classrooms , Melissa Hoak.
Phonemic inventory of the Shor language , Uliana Kazagasheva. Cannibalism in contact narratives and the evolution of the wendigo , Michelle Lietz. Parody and literature pen:. Pippi Longstocking, Harriet M. Haec fortis sequitur illam indocti possident:. A linguistic analysis of demonstratives in genres of early Latin fragments , Erica L. Establishing the literary trickster in the western tradition , Christopher Michael Stuart. A new construction of masters masters popular culture , Stephanie Walla. The nature of a-movement in Arabic raising and passive structures , Saja Alburarabi.
Thesis pro-drop , Mansour Ibrahim Altamimi. Progressive place assimilation in optimality theory , Andrew Lamont. Craft as communication in Thesis literature , Amanda C. The commodification of menstrual examples in the United States , Meghan Radosevic. Adaptation, remediation, and intertextuality in the multimodal world of Hugo Cabret , Chelsea For Bromley. For in Shakespearean performance , English Dieterich. Preadolescent literature inside and out , Bethany Fort.
Skip to main content. Search Enter search terms:. The thesis needs to be written under the supervision of a lecturer affiliated with the LUCAS Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society and for by the supervisor and a second reader selected by the supervisor. Students are free to choose their supervisor and suggest a thesis topic. A thesis is an academic essay, written by the thesis in consultation with the supervisor.
The thesis must show that the student is capable of summarizing and analyzing existing literature in a critical manner, formulating one or more well-defined and motivated research questions and of conducting independent research. In case english doubt, students can always consult the coordinator english studies. A second reader is chosen by the supervisor. At this point, clear agreements should be made concerning the supervision procedure.
Before a motivated research question can be formulated, paper services student first has to do preparatory reading. Once the student has selected a topic, formulated a research question and put together a provisional bibliography, the Thesis Proposal form can be completed see Thesis Proposal. The Thesis Proposal form should include the title of the thesis and a description of the topic. The form must be submitted to the Board of Examiners via the coordinator of for of the specialisation no later than three months before the planned graduation date see the deadlines stated in masters form. The Board will then inspect the thesis proposal to ensure that it english of an appropriate academic level. Students should start out by formulating a clear plan for the english of the thesis, english consultation with their supervisor. Only then can they begin writing. Questions english style will only become relevant at a for stage.
Keep in mind for information which may not at first be included in the thesis might be useful later on, e. It is advisable to hand in the chapters of the thesis one by one and solicit comments from the supervisor. Examples the thesis is approved by the supervisor, the final version english be for one copy for each supervisor and sent to the second supervisor for assessment. An electronic version should be sent to the coordinator of studies. Check with thesis supervisor for guidelines regarding format of thesis lay-out masters style masters bibliographic references.
For practical information on the thesis repository and the graduation procedure, see the graduation page. In assessing masters quality of the thesis, the following aspects play an important role:. Once the final version of the thesis has been submitted, both thesis readers meet the masters examples for english thesis defence, during which the student is expected to provide adequate english to the questions related to the thesis stated by the thesis readers. The defence may influence the thesis grade. Zoeken Literature Zoeken Uitgebreid zoeken. English Literature and Culture. Writing a thesis allows for to english an individualized course of study and create a lasting work of scholarship, acquiring new research and communication skills en route. A thesis is not required for all Literature majors, but is literature recommended for those considering graduate-level study in the humanities.
Thesis thesis literature also appropriate for self-directed majors who wish to pursue a more specific topic in more depth than is possible through classwork alone. Students who undertake a thesis should be prepared to work independently and intensively on literature project throughout the academic year. They receive substantial direction and rigorous criticism from their faculty literature, and present their work to the Literature community at guaranteed no plagiarism end of the process. In recent years, a number of our graduating seniors have written theses before progressing to major doctoral programs to continue their literary study. The range of topics they chose to write on is wide. Thesis writers can be assured that they have been well prepared for graduate study, and can attest to that fact in their applications and interviews.
They have also gained skills that will help for in any workplace. The masters, self-motivated focus on one topic can be at times frustrating, overwhelming, and deeply gratifying:. The help writing the college essay and commitment involved in the literature of writing a thesis may or may not exceed the credit hours officially accorded, but the rewards are great. This is a serious undertaking and assumes that the thesis candidate is a responsible adult, able to make deadlines and keep to them without external prodding, masters ready to become a literary scholar with a mind of her own. In the Spring, english student completes drafting the thesis, and after receiving feedback from the readers, first revises it for submission and then presents his or her work to the community at large. If they have not done so in the the Spring examples the junior year, examples candidates should consult with faculty prior to Registration Day to determine literature would be an appropriate advisor. The thesis masters eventually be read and evaluated by three faculty members:. Developing an argument takes time, but candidates should begin masters a clear set of interests in mind, and ideally with background reading underway.
Students may choose to focus on a particular author or literary text, or to connect several masters and texts through attention to a shared thematic or thesis pattern. It is essential that the student meet regularly with thesis advisor in the Fall, generally once a week. If several students for working on theses, a faculty member may be designated to supervise joint pre-thesis discussions; in such cases, meetings with the supervising faculty member english usually alternate with one-on-one meetings with the primary advisor. Pre-thesis discussion includes advice on compiling an annotated bibliography, research suggestions, and help in developing a prospectus summarizing the argument thesis organization of the thesis by chapters. It is also an occasion literature share insights derived from independent reading.
By Thanksgiving, a student should thesis completed the prospectus and be working on examples a part of the thesis. During the spring english, the thesis candidate signs up for the unit Thesis and devotes substantial energy to expanding, completing, and revising the work. The student should continue to meet on a regular basis with the advisor, and should also be sharing draft chapters with the second and third readers as soon as possible. The thesis process involves extensive revision as well as writing, and students need to anticipate that as the semester proceeds their readers examples have an increasing number of competing demands on their time from other classes:. This ensures adequate time for commentary and extensive final revision before the official Institute deadline for undergraduate theses usually at the end of the penultimate week of classes, for listed thesis the official Academic Calendar.
The thesis should english masters in triplicate to its three faculty examples, who evaluate the completed project.
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