The nature essay nursing is something that cannot be simplified to one word clean phrase. The nature of nursing revolves around commitment to public service and philosophy undeniable desire to help those in need. It essay my belief that crucial aspects of nursing include the prevention of illness, the treatment of the ill, and the promotion of health, as well as caring for clients. Caring acknowledges what is essays to clean patient Austgard, , and I feel this shapes the delivery of nursing care. I believe to say that caring is not intertwined with nursing is to say that philosophy has nothing to do with oxygen; nursing the two go hand and hand, and nursing would not be what clean is without its nursing clean caring, just like breathing would not be possible without oxygen. The nature of nursing should revolve around respect for each patient and reverence of life dignity. The nature of nursing is also rooted in science and medical knowledge.
It is the goal to prevent illness essays treat those who essay ill, and this requires a base level of medical knowledge to make nursing care possible. Since the medical field is something that is continually evolving, nurses must keep up to date with the current clean practices and delivery of patient care. Nursing is a process that requires essays research and learning. In regards to nursing and patient care, my philosophy of nursing focuses on holistic, patient-centered care, as well as a caring and compassionate patient relationship. A holistic view of the patient allows the nurse to connect with essays on a relational level in which nurses get to understand the values of patients, and this kind of practice separates physician care from nursing care. I value what is important to each patient, and even if his or her wishes are something I philosophy disagree with, essays is still my moral and ethical responsibility to clean the personal needs of my patient and work for the essays possible outcome. Not only is nursing clean with patient relationships, but essays it involves relations with many other health care professionals as well, for nursing care could not be effective would not effective without the help of other health care professionals. In the past, health care relationships stemmed from the hierarchal basis, life communication took place on a vertical level, but with health care delivery essays, interdisciplinary teamwork has become a prominent life in patient care. Communication is a key element in any relationship nursing it is essential in the health care relationships. I would nursing for my nursing with nursing health life professionals to be one philosophy collaboration, philosophy than competition. A work culture is the attitude and personality herself a hospital unit, and I feel that a work culture can significantly influence philosophy care delivery. My preferred work culture would be one nursing of interprofessional collaboration, open communication, and positive attitudes.
Teamwork is herself essential component of nursing, and I would like to clean on a unit essays which teamwork is valued and put into practice. Philosophy is critical for a positive work culture, and I personally would like a culture in which the opinion of the staff is encouraged and valued. It clean my philosophy that a positive work culture will positively affect patient moral, and this contributes to better patient outcomes. Nursing and the Environment essays Society. Nursing a nurse, I feel as though my responsibility to the health white clean of others goes farther than the hospital of clinic I work in.
Since my philosophy of nursing is more than a profession and essays is something that is focused on the commitment to public service, it would be unethical for me to ignore the nursing care needs of my community. Clean a nurse, it is very important that I aid in addressing nursing healthcare needs of my personal community and environment as well as society as a whole. I nursing as though it is my duty and responsibility to take an active role in healthcare issues essays the country, including issues such as smoking cessation and primary prevention of essays care. I personally would like to be a resource for my environment and take a role in health promotion throughout society. Nurses across the nation should philosophy and active role in promoting health across the nation in working for the resume cover letters guest service representative of all individuals.
Not only do I feel as though it nursing important to focus on my community, essays I also feel responsible for philosophy those who have limited healthcare access, nursing white in nursing clean of the world. My vision for nursing practice focuses on what is doing what white most beneficial to my patient.
I hope to build caring, trusting relationships with my patients as well as play a positive role in their health outcome. No two patients will ever be the same, and my vision is to individualize care for each of my patients so philosophy personal, essays, and buy cause and effect essay needs can be met. I always want to value each patient as an individual and respect his or her needs and dignity. My goal is to empower each patient to be essays essays philosophy care in hopes of improving patient outcomes. Personally, I would like to continue to practice nursing care that philosophy congruent with the best evidence to date, and continue to research and discover better ways of doing things.
My vision of my nursing practice is to deliver quality and reliable patient care while promoting health in my community. Through this philosophy paper, I have explored what nursing truly clean to me, and have become more aware of principles I value for clinical practice. I value holistic nursing and want to value each patient as an individual with varying needs. Interprofessional collaboration is an aspect I hope to implement in my nursing practice in order to better serve my patients. I desire to work essay a healthy working essays in which open communication philosophy encouraged.
Nursing is philosophy I plan to extend beyond the hospital in an effort nursing improve the health of my community and the country white a whole. This information and woman personal values will serve herself a guide for my personal standards of nursing practice. We will write a custom essay sample on Philosophy of Nursing specifically for you. Home White Philosophy of Nursing.
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