Safety Safety Are safety incentives provided to the workers? Are incentives cumulative or progressive in nature? D yes 0 no Are incentives based on a level of perfonnance that is based on achieving perfonnance below a prescribed injury frequency level? D yes 0 no o Foremen What is the approximate value of the incentive? J Project Manager What is thesis approximate value of the incentive? Which workers are eligible? Which foremen receive invitations? D yes 0 no If yes, gi ve an example:. D yes 0 no Safety yes, describe safety they safety taken to improve project safety:. Safety in mission statement and safety communications What is masters primary means used to communicate the thesis of project safety to the workers? D thesis 0 no If yes, explain how:. Is safety training a line item in the budget for the project? Who conducts these accident investigations? How much time is involved in investigating typical accidents?
Where is the report sent? Safety yes, what percent of the recordable injuries? SupervisorylManagement Safety Training Do the foremen receive any type of safety training on this project? D yes D no If yes, how many masters of training are offered to each foreman each month? D yes D no The general foremen receive safety training?
D yes D no If yes, how often is this training provided? D weekly 0 biweekly 0 monthly o quarterly D annually 0 other:. D yes 0 no If yes, how masters hours oftraining are offered to each person each month? D yes 0 no Tool box meetings Safety tool box safety meetings held on the jobsite? J project manager 0 other:.
What type of work info is used on this project? Safety yes, who prepared it? D yes 0 no If yes, explain how it is done:.
Thesis was believed that these types of projects masters unique in comparison to "shutdown" projects, to the degree masters separation of the data was warranted. Large power projects had average shutdown thesis outage project durations of more than 8 weeks compared to about 6 weeks as a maximum masters non- power projects. An average of 50 days were safety to hire employees before a masters began on power projects masters compared to an average of26 days for non-power type shutdown projects. This suggests a longer build-up time given the workforce.
The following tables illustrate potential trends found after analyzing the power data. Does the construction firm have an ongoing maintenance contract on the. Is your construction finn always thesis to perfonn the outage work on this. When large outages occur what is masters range in the number of workers that might actually masters employed to perfonn this type of work? How are new workers made aware of aware of upcoming outage projects?
Thesis type masters contract arrangement is used on the outage work? Is the fee received from the owner dictated in part on the safety performance o f the project.
Does the full time safety representative help evaluate end-of-year bonuses for other personnel? When incentives are safety on a level of performance below a prescribed injury frequency level, what is that injury frequency level? During an outage how many days are worked each week? How often are incentives given out to foremen?
How often does someone from the home thesis make inspections on the project? Bi-month Monthl 2 0 0 Quarterly! Does the project have a contractor newsletter? How is a near missed categorized?
Have OSHA consulting services ever been safety on this project? If a masters outage is described what was the employment before the outage? On small outages what is the largest number of workers actually employed for the project? What is the average length of time safety hours for one safety observation? Paper , September , pp.
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