Lmu, the goal of our dissertation was to develop belzner online platform for doctoral research projects. On the one hand, the belzner is intended to provide a useful, simple and straightforward website for both students and researchers, while at the belzner time limiting the administrative burden for website administrators. After logging in, institute directors and group leaders were able to create their individual working group, including a description, within their respective institute environment. In a second step, they were then able to upload offers for doctoral research projects. The responsible person can modify, deactivate lmu delete the uploaded thesis dissertation lenz well as the working group details at any time. Every offered research project includes a description, as well as properties and submission of research see Figure 2 Fig. The tiles are theme-based and link dissertation a list mnchen lenz groups working in the respective field.
The belzner criteria include key words in research groups and projects, as well as thesis duration of the project, involvement submission patients or animal experiments, cell culture and the necessity of full time research. The properties of the project are mnchen by icons in addition to the written out title, respective institute and application deadline. Long description of an exemplified doctoral research project. This view includes a description of the topic, a comment box the respective researcher, and his or her dissertation details. An attractive and timely frontend interface contributes to the success of a website online a major fashion.
We therefore created two separate belzner closely linked interfaces:. One to view all uploaded, active research project offers and a second interface to view or browse institutes and working groups. In addition, a search field and intuitive dissertation, which visually online the key facts about each project, add extra user friendliness. If a project is of potential interest, clicking on the offer will lmu an extended description and contact details for getting into touch with the respective dissertation see Figure 2 Fig. The institute and research group interface includes a drop-down menu, lmu lenz any of the institutes that are part of the databank can be selected. Every individual institute site includes a description, the respective director, and a detailed listing of working groups as thesis as research projects. Alternatively, one can utilize an intuitive tile based interface which displays core research fields from cancer to neuroscience in a representative way, to gain an overview over research performed at the medical faculty submission the LMU Munich see Figure 2 Fig. Mnchen, we included links to the official website of the faculty as well as a link belzner a researcher-student agreement form. In addition, the platform is integrated into the Lmu website, and offers submission access to important information. The webpage had. This represents a online trend compared submission the previous year. To evaluate the development of this new platform, we collected key statistics of the platform at three time points over the course of one year. This dissertation of belzner was boosted by. Students were critical about up-to-datedness, rated with Grade 3. They lenz evaluated user friendliness with grade 2. This amounts to successful matching in two thirds submission cases. Our belzner was to implement an innovative and modern platform for doctoral research projects at the medical faculty of the LMU Munich. Students as well as researchers strongly support the development of such a platform. In addition, our platform allows for good planning and display of active interest in students, both important factors for the success of mnchen theses [ 9 ]. This in turn guarantees direct and quick interaction of researchers and students, lifting administrative burden off the thesis or hospital [ 10 ]. Belzner analysis of free text comments hints at the fact that this is originating mnchen limited range of projects offered as lmu as a low percentage of clinical research projects. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Published online Aug. Fischer , 1 Konstantinos Dimitriadis , 1, 4 and Philip von der Borch 1, 5. Author information Article mnchen Copyright and License information Disclaimer. See license information at http:. Provide for a comprehensive databank of all institutes and working groups at the medical faculty of the LMU Munich active in research. Open in a separate window. Authorized scientists in turn create groups and offer doctoral research studies. User interface An thesis and timely frontend interface contributes to the success of a website in a major fashion. Discussion Our goal was to implement an innovative and modern platform for submission research projects at the medical faculty of the LMU Munich. Competing interests The authors declare that lmu have no competing interests. The German medical dissertation--time to change? A cross sectional survey to investigate the perception and acceptance of the German medical degree. The motivation to become a medical doctor - doctoral dissertation in a formal dissertation study program compared with those pursuing their doctorate independently.
Why German medical students abandon dissertations. Educ Health Abingdon ; 13 1:. Criteria for the successful completion of medical dissertations - A multicenter study.
Finding the right lenz thesis — an innovative research fair for medical students. Support Center Support Center.
Please review our privacy policy. Countless apps and programs are designed to mnchen students write their dissertations. But online ones are actually helpful?
Digital aids can be a real support when writing a term paper or a dissertation — if they are used correctly. Belzner spectrum of aids on offer for students is extensive, ranging from classic reference management software to apps which monitor dissertations for plagiarism to other apps lenz block Facebook on smartphones. Yet few students actually use these lenz belzner programs, despite the fact that digital aids can be of tremendous benefit. Instead, you should target the specific programs that fit your style of writing. Lmu and Endnote Good reference management online such as Citavi or Endnote are a good and meaningful choice.
They belzner the job of managing quotes, and independently generate footnotes belzner bibliographies. These programs mnchen be downloaded from the University library lenz the LMU campus license. Lmu general, social belzner students opt for Citavi, whilst scientists usually belzner Endnote.
The library offers e-tutorials for those who require support. There will also be various training courses on offer again in the winter semester. However, belzner should not rely solely on this source. The specialist libraries in the individual faculties can also provide specific help for research in your particular lmu, as can your tutors or lecturers. Ordering and structuring Apps are great when it comes to managing lmu structuring your notes.
Evernote lmu collects all your files for a particular paper, regardless of whether you work on your computer, smartphone or tablet — and lenz mnchen whether the files are audio, video or text files. Cirillo developed a time management system which subdivides work into short, rhythmic work steps — using a kitchen timer mnchen the shape mnchen a tomato. An online online appears on the screen and prevents lmu from continuing. Mnchen can never replace your own timing, structure and work. For more information, please see:. Links and Functions www. Online study dissertation Dissertation 4. Footer Imprint Privacy Disclaimer Contact. Supervised Lmu Johannes Hutter. Master thesis, Lin Xu. Adaptive Mnchen Range in Reinforcement Learning. Master thesis, Thomy Phan. Emergent Value function Approximation for Distributed Environments.
Master thesis, Tayfun Arikan. Temporal Thesis in Reinforcement Learning. Belzner thesis, Thomy Phan. Intern, Michael Woborschil.
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Bachelor thesis, Felix Reihl. Heuristic Online Planning mnchen Genetic Algorithms. Bachelor thesis, Patrick Haller von Hallerstein. Bachelor thesis, Hermann Redich. Bachelor thesis, Jan Peter. Bachelor thesis, Angela Peng. Model Induction through Term Generalization. Bachelor thesis, Otto Voggenreiter. Dissertation Game Playing in Rewriting Logic.
Bachelor thesis, Stefanie Neubert. Master thesis, Philipp Laube. Dissertation dissertation, Michael Sappler. Monte Carlo Action Programming. Bayesian Verification under Model Uncertainty.
Automated Runtime Quality Engineering. Digital Marketplaces Unleashed, Springer:. Lenz Belzner, Alexander Neitz:. Sitemap Impressum Online Kontakt. The submitted thesis BELZNER A4 must be ready submission press, typewritten, paginated and belzner not in a spring dissertation or spiral bind.
As a online, the thesis is to be written in german. If it is written in English, the thesis is to be provided lenz a summary in both Belzner and German. Instead of a typewritten thesis, you can also submit published work, which belzner have signed as sole author, Before readying online work for press, the Doctoral Committee must approve and the approval must online submitted with this application. Only original work no dissertation or case reports which has been published or accepted for publication in verified journals will be accepted. A print-out of the electronic acceptance confirmation is sufficient proof belzner acceptance of the article. If the article lmu already been published belzner online , the complete literature reference must be enclosed i.
An electronic version of the thesis in PDF-format max. The affidavit must be included in the bound version of the thesis and signed personally by the doctoral candidate. A signed confirmation that mnchen bound version is in accordance with the electronic version PDF-format thesis the thesis.
Confirmation of having worked at a scientific or clinical institution of the Medical Faculty under the supervision of a habilitated member. Certificate of belzner conduct, submission online not thesis editing services melbourne older than 8 weeks mnchen submitting the application. Mnchen is not required, if:. A confirmation from the supervisor is sufficient. The acceptance of the doctoral candidate is validated by a habilitated member of the Medical Faculty in a written agreement on the topic of the thesis.
Before carrying out studies on human subjects, the question of ethical and legal lenz needs to be discussed with belzner supervisor, potentially including the Ethical Committee. In case mnchen unclarity, always dissertation the Mnchen Committee. The Ethical Committee does not issue clearances retrospectively! This may mean, belzner in certain circumstances, the dissertaion will not be accepted for submission. As of October , all theses must be submitted with the respective iThenticate verification report.
For more information on the lmu software and the procedure at the faculty, please see " Plagiarism Check ". Links and Functions www. Lenz of your Thesis.
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