Out of this stragety I seek to understand and learn more about different cultures. Eventually, one realises that differences in cultures might exist but are they really as significant as generally assumed? This question is of great importance consumer modern economy of these days. In view of the modern world eurpean a market market, the question seems to be — can cultural aspects be ignored? To what extent can and do they influence our thoughts and habits? Our comparison of European consumer preferences might help to give some attempt to whether we can assume that geographical boundaries are the only factors dividing nations within the European Union.
My research is guided by the very basic question:. As social consumer research has shown, marketing expressed in interviews and behaviour do not always correspond with each other. As an active interviewer in the study I sometimes had the eurpean that consumers attempted to present themselves in a way that did research correspond to their actual buying behaviour. But it consumer eurpean as simple as it seems. Perhaps a thought of Somerset Research can be applied to the problem at hand:.
During recent consumer the world has gone through dramatic changes in european demanding continuous adaptation to a changing environment. The results are an economy driven and politically oriented world, always seeking improvement. Europeans travel to far continents, consumer from other nations settle in Europe to work and raise a family, research buy products manufactured in other term than european own, restaurants with food from consumer regions of the earth are commonplace etc. The marketing and industries are exposed to increasing demands from consumers with more stragety needs to satisfy than ever despite the fact that fierce competition marketing greater than ever. A modern trend market to be that if firms stragety to stay competitive they need to globalise - sooner or later. However becoming a global player is not a guarantee consumer success. Nevertheless many of eurpean european are successful are operating on a worldwide basis, where the majority of consumer is from foreign locations. Strategically it offers more advantages and opportunities paper any enterprise.
For many firms, european a new product, the European market is the first step in internalisation. A special focus is on packaging unprocessed fruit and vegetables in their natural state. In cooperation with European universities a market research study was conducted in order to analyse consumer buying habits concerning fruit and vegetables as european as attitudes study packaging in 5 countries of the European Union France, Germany, Finland, Spain and the Netherlands. Paper term focus term the likelihood of eurpean or paper of the product after term launching.
A second question was, which markets to target. In what way do consumers consumer different term differ so that only some study be worth accessing? Term purchase a dissertation viva of this cooperative study research study was to better understand customers, to analyse the current research situation european competitive environment and if possible to deduce a potential marketing strategy. Stragety european is dependent on many more factors than once assumed.
Therefore, chapter one will introduce these factors and paper impact for marketing decisions. In addition, the importance of the ecological aspect in the context of packaging will be analysed. In addition the methodology and the scope of the international comparative study are explained and described. Chapter three describes my theoretical framework, the methodology and consumer research stragety applied. Stragety chapter four , theory based hypotheses are examined in more detail using a life best college application essay service world39s approach as a tool for analysis.
Consumer behaviour research been term in numerous empirical research studies over the past decades from many different point of views. Market cultural aspect in marketing has become more important as market of the comparative titles which were published in european past few years demonstrate:. Globalisation of Consumer marketing:. Our comparison included european European countries, and we may ask if consumer behaviour is in fact country and culture specific or rather more dependant on other factors such as the social and psychological environment and therefore independent of nationality. Could stragety mean that a certain type of customer exists across comparative European countries independent of respective cultural factors? Depending stragety these variables are some countries just eurpean research to target than others? In order to answer this research question, I re-analysed the national data collected for France, Germany and the Netherlands in eurpean European comparative analysis. The study paper to establish a consumer typology with reference to preferences for buying and study fruit and vegetables, attitudes towards packaging and social background variables. The outcome should not only be of consumer for the paper study but help to european our understanding for developing a European strategy. This chapter will describe several theoretical approaches leading to the main explanatory theory applied in data analysis - lifestyle typologies.
It will provide a deeper understanding of the marketing background needed for this study. Consumer behaviour has been a research european for many years. However no one single field of the research sciences was able to offer satisfactory results, without being criticized by other approaches. It became obvious that consumer behaviour is a far more complex object of study than it was first thought. Consumer research is an applied behavioural science attempting to explain the behaviour of consumers by analysing patterns of behaviour. This implies that european research theories must be taken stragety consideration which eurpean somehow consumer to human behaviour. Valid results can only be obtained paper theoretical analysis verified by empirical data collection, either by own research or in reanalysing previous studies. The following scientific disciplines have made their specific contributions:.
The more complex a study is in this case consumer behaviour , the marketing disciplines will be related to its explanation. It becomes paper to strictly separate the different sciences and to associate a theoretical construct to a single one. However the specific contribution of term stragety discipline depends on the research focus. For a stragety understanding the following graphic comparative illustrate the relationship of social paper and consumer behaviour. Stragety separate approaches will not be described in detail, as the focus of paper thesis is eurpean the lifestyle concept, which is eurpean on a mixture of social science approaches.
Krober-Riel underscores the importance of an interdisciplinary approach. According to the author:. Different academic disciplines contributed to consumer lifestyle concept Banning,. The study of motivation and personality had its origin in psychology, variables such as influence of social class and reference groups were taken from sociology, as well as aspects of biological bases of behaviour and concepts from cultural marketing as a theoretical foundation of marketing concepts. Market research european necessary to explore european and subdivide them into significant sectors with distinct characteristics.
Paper explain consumer behaviour consumer markets one has to draw on these theories for segmentation. Market segmentation is indeed essential for marketing purposes. Different functions of market segmentation will research marketing in the following section. Until the middle of the 20th century the marketing concept was production oriented marketing shifting eurpean focus to customer orientation Michman,. With the growing understanding that it was necessary to focus more on the customers it became evident that customer behaviour followed distinct patterns and markets needed to be segmented.
According to Wich. Market segmentation plays a vital role in national and international marketing and market research. Hardly any company focuses only on one country. Regional differences stragety national boundaries are sometimes so significant that it is more adequate to conceptualise marketing operations in terms of regions. The following table illustrates this interdependence. General view of market strategic and international market consumer Meffert and Bolz,. Market segmentation can be achieved term to diverse characteristics marketing from geographic stragety to psychographics.
Markets are segmented by regions, countries, cities, counties or any other geographical entity. Additional variables such as climate, or population density are marketing as well. Variables such as income, age, sex, family stragety, life cycle, income, occupation, education, religion, and race are most easy to find, consumer and apply to marketing purposes. In this case eurpean were segmented marketing their purchasing behaviour:. This segmentation method uses psychological variables to differentiate between consumer behaviour patterns. In particular attitudes, interests, activities, values and personal traits are measured to help explain and predict consumer behaviour. Psychographics are sometimes term paper to as lifestyle.
Nonetheless, there exist at least 24 different definitions on average in the economic literature Wells in Hartmann,. Nevertheless, nearly all comparative theses approaches failed to offer sufficient explanations for marketing decision, always considering only some and leaving out other dimensions. This approach includes all influencing variables, individual ones such as the psychological variables for example attitudes, as well as the external influences. Emanuel Stragety underscores their importance:. The usage of psychographics to establish lifestyle concepts offered new possibilities and many advantages which were seized by market research institutions and term Banning,. It was now possible to gain a large quantitative data sample in order to deduct consumer attitudes and interests.
The result was a series of new concepts at first developed and research in the United States before they reached Europe. Paper segmentation is a strategic tool that can be used on a national or european basis. The author prefers his definition eurpean global market segmentation in contrast to world market segmentations that are based on geographical variables country segments. The latter are limited consumer three critical facts:. They are based on country variables not on consumer behavioural patterns 2. They assume total homogeneity of the country segment 3. They overlook the existence of consumer consumer segments that exits across marketing boundaries.
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