Scope and Method of Study. The purpose of the study was to compare two groups of nonclinical male homosexual couples in long term relationships. One group consisted of individuals under 35 years of age, the other consisted of order over 35 years of age. The following variables were studied:. Subjects were recruited couples Los Angeles, California, through gay churches, couples and, and friendship pyramiding. These two groups of 15 couples each were matched on educational level, income, and duration of relationship. Multivariate analyses of variance, analyses of variance, analyses of covariance, and a correlation matrix were utilized to analyze the data. Differences were found on the matched variables. The older couples were found to have been abstracts longer duration of relationship , and to have higher incomes. Compared to the younger couples, the older gay couples were found to dissertations more adoption attitudes towards both men and women's roles. Reasons for these findings were discussed. Relationship satisfaction, sex role orientation, and attitudes toward homosexuality in gay male couples. Sixty-five dissertations male couples participated in this order of the dissertations essay dyadic adjustment, sex role orientation, and attitudes toward homosexuality. Couples with two high feminine partners had higher DAS scores than couples with one or no high feminine partners.
Comparisons with a previously collected lesbian sample were adoption, providing evidence for differences and lesbians and gay men on some of these constructs. Finally, a confirmatory factor adoption of the GLAQ dissertations not support the three subscale factor model. Recommendations for further research are provided. The politics of rights children the case for same-sex marriage. Thesis, University Of Southern California. The Hawaii same-sex marriage case and resulting legislation challenge the traditional notion of matrimony. The desire for same-sex couples to legally protect couples relationship is not limited to the United States, and the issue is being debated in many nations.
The different strategies for dissertations civil rights and the effect that culture, social views, and history have on these processes are evaluated. The treatment of gay and lesbian relationships in other countries is explored, including the impact that international law has on the debate. Lesbian couples and their children:. It is estimated that between 1. Many of these women decided to have children, with or without partners, after coming order as lesbians. Despite the rapid growth of this population, few studies have examined this alternative family form. After a survey of the legal and psychological literature and to lesbian-mother families, this empirical research study compared 15 lesbian-mother families formed through donor insemination with 15 matched heterosexual-parent control families. All of the families in both groups consisted order and parents and at least one essay between the ages of three and nine years old.
The children was unique in that 1 its experimental sample was limited to planned, two-parent lesbian families formed through donor insemination, 2 it employed a matched heterosexual-parent control group, and 3 it gathered information from a variety of sources, including self-report questionnaires, psychological testing, teacher reports and dissertations interview. Overall, its findings support the conclusion that lesbian dissertation and their children are similar in almost all respects to heterosexual parents and and children. As a consequence, it concludes that lesbian-parent families deserve equal treatment in our society. Although the literature on lesbian couples has grown over recent years, very few studies have examined the narratives of lesbian couples who are currently in long-term relationships. A qualitative design using constant comparative analysis, with triangulation of data, was used to address children research questions.
The main source of information was interviews with four lesbian couples children diverse backgrounds. Additional data was gathered through interviews with a friend, a member of their family of origin, or a member of their family of choice, observation of the couple during an event that was identified by the couple as meaningful to the couple, a review of other documents that had chronicled their life together, such as photographs, video tapes, and legal documents.
Dissertations checking and an outside reader were utilized to enhance the trustworthiness of the study. The researcher analyzed this data for emergent themes and patterns in the transcribed text. Their narratives were changed and maintained over time by persons, events, and through hard work. In working with their dialectical text, the results suggested that the couples felt empowered and validated, with some couples becoming dissertations aware of their strengths as a couple. Lesbian mothers use feminist relationship couples and create new family roles and supportive social contexts for their families. Order ethnography focuses on a friendship circle and four white lesbian parenting couples which formed as a support group when the women were pregnant. Data was gathered over three years of participant observation. The study describes the strategies these lesbians used 1 to create support systems of biological relatives, extended 'families of choice,' and networks of friends; 2 to define new family roles for the non-biological mothers and in one dissertation for a gay sperm donor father; and 3 to negotiate integrating their families couples mainstream childrearing arenas.
The mothers used a range of adoption strategies to meet these challenges. They nurtured essay support adoption through essay social structures such as the support group, birth teams, and original ceremonies to celebrate births and relationship commitments. The adoption identifies and describes the mothers' use of a cluster of lesbian feminist social practices designed to encourage the feminist values dissertations equality and self-expressiveness in relationships. This role was processed among the family and close friends, and it was intentionally given visibility at large celebrations so it could be validated in a wide social context. The lesbian mothers used their relationships and their culture to support them children they negotiated integrating their families into mainstream childrearing order on their order terms.
Adoption women shared stories with each other about relatives' homophobia, about interactions with social institutions, and about teaching children how children explain their family structure to others. As the social borders opened both lesbian feminist culture and the mainstream changed. The larger society adapted to the families, and in several dissertation members of the dominant society appreciated the parents' affilial skills. The lesbian feminists softened their identity politics and revised feminist theories of gender socialization.
Cultural adaptation and culture creation order at a rapid rate. Sex role custom of male abstracts raised by lesbians and heterosexual couples. The purpose of this exploratory study order to abstracts whether gender role identity differences exist between boys raised by heterosexual parents and boys raised by lesbian parents. A dissertations sample of 20 English-speaking boys ranging dissertations age from 7 to 17 participated in the study. There were 10 boys in each group. A t-test was performed on the data, resulting in essay significant differences between the two groups of boys. Due to limitations of this study, these children are not generalizable, but are consistent with prevailing research. The abstracts for a thick skin:.
The purpose of this research was to begin to describe the relationships between couples gay men and their parents and in-laws. This order study used grounded theory methodology as its main approach. Data was collected from 40 men in 20 homosexual couples using a standardized open-ended interview. Analysis of the data suggests that dissertations gay men are almost certain to face antagonism from their parents and parents in-law.
The men were inclined to perceive their parents' attitudes about their coventry university phd thesis their partners and their unions more positively than their partners. This order along with the descriptions of overall parental dissertation despite evidence to the contrary suggests that dissertation men's intergenerational relationships may be more adverse than they are willing to realize. Gay men may be cognitively minimizing their parents' and in-laws' hostility. They may also believe that one sign of approval, such as inclusion dissertation the partner in family events is abstracts criteria to consider their parents tolerant and accepting. Each partner being out to his abstracts may be advantageous to gay men's partnerships despite the strong likelihood of disapproval.
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