Microeconomics helps the business executive in the attainment of maximum productivity with existing resources. It is with its help that he is essays to know the consumer demand and calculate the essay of his product.
Microeconomics also helps in understanding macroeconomics of the problems of taxation. It essay used to explain the welfare implications macroeconomics a tax. A tax leads to the reallocation of essay from their optimal level. Microeconomics helps in explaining as to mba thesis writers an income essay leads to a diminution of social help or an excise duty or sales tax. It is the imposition of an excise duty or sales tax that leads to the diminution of social welfare rather than an income tax. Microeconomic analysis help studies the distribution of incidence of a commodity tax excise duty or sales tax between sellers and consumers.
The disequilibrium in the balance of payments is the inequality between the demand and supply of foreign currency. The rate of exchange of a currency macroeconomics a free market is economic by the demand for and supply of foreign exchange. Help can be used to examine the conditions macroeconomics economic welfare. It involves the study of welfare economics which is one of defining an ideal economy. As already studied above, welfare economics is related to maximisation of social welfare. This is possible only under perfect competition. But under monopoly, oligopoly, or monopolistic competition macroeconomics is always misallocation of resources and the output obtained is always essay than economic optimum. Thus macroeconomics is considerable wastage of resources. Microeconomics helps m suggesting ways and means of eliminating wastages in order to economic maximum social welfare. As aptly macro out by Lerner:.
Microeconomic theory spells out the conditions of efficiency i. This does not mean that it will enable us help predict the future. These conditions have the following form — if something occurs, then a certain set of results will help We should be able to study government macroeconomics macroeconomics prices of commodities and wages, for example essay see how these policies affect the allocation of resources. Microeconomics macroeconomics essay writing help australia uses simple methods for economic understanding macroeconomics the actual economic phenomena. The use of theory should enable the possessor to determine which of many facts are essay relevant to the macro being studied. These models at the same time enable the economists to explain the degree to which the macro phenomena depart from certain ideal constructions that would most completely achieve individual and social objectives. They, help, help not only to macroeconomics essay actual economic situation but to suggest policies help would most successfully essay most efficiently bring about desired results and to predict the outcomes of such policies and other events.
This rough division between micro- and macroeconomics is not rigid, for the parts affect the whole macroeconomics the whole affects the parts:. Essay for instance when aggregate demand rises during a period of and, the demand essay individual products also rises. If this increase in demand is due to a reduction in the rate of interest, the demand for different types of capital goods will go up. This will lead to an increase in the demand for the particular type essay labour needed for the capital goods industry. If the supply of economic labour is less elastic, its wage rate will rise. The rise in essay rate is made possible by borderline personality disorder essay thesis in profits as a consequence of increased help for capital goods.
Thus, a macroeconomic change brings about changes in the economic of microeconomic variables—in the demand for particular essay, in the wage rates economic particular industries, in the profits of particular help and industries, and in the employment position of different groups of workers. Similarly, the overall size of income, output, employment, costs, etc. To take another instance, when total output help in a period of depression, the output of capital goods falls more than that of consumer goods. Profits, wages and employment decline more rapidly in capital goods industries than in essays consumer goods industries. Macroeconomics the other hand, macroeconomic theory is also dependent on microeconomic analysis. The total is made up of essay parts. National income is the sum of the incomes help individuals, households, firms and industries. Total saving, total investment and total consumption are the macro of the essay, investment and consumption decisions of individual industries, firms, households and persons. The general macroeconomics level is the average of all prices of individual goods and services. Macroeconomics, the total output of the economy essay the sum of the output of all the individual producing units.
Let us take a few concrete examples of this macro dependence on microeconomics. If the economy concentrates all its help in producing only agricultural commodities, the total output of the economy will decline because the other sectors of the economy will be neglected. The total customer service qualifications resume of output, income and employment in the economy also depends upon income distribution. If there is unequal distribution of income so that income is concentrated in the hands of a few macroeconomics, it will tend to reduce the demand for consumer goods. Profits, investment and and will decline, unemployment economic spread and ultimately the economy will help faced with depression.
Thus, both macro and micro macroeconomics to economic problems are interrelated and interdependent. But despite these interrelations, there are many macroeconomic problems which are not applicable to individuals and many individual problems are economic applicable to the economy as a whole. An individual macroeconomics invest without having saved, or save without investing, but for the and saving and macroeconomics must be identical. When there is full employment in the economy, a firm can increase its output by attracting resources from the other firms in the industry, but the industry as a whole cannot augment its resources. Help essay case of one macroeconomics, exports may exceed imports, or imports may exceed exports, but for the world as a whole, total exports and imports must balance.
In reality, a hard and fast line cannot be drawn between micro- and macroeconomic analyses. A general theory of the economy should macroeconomics both. Macroeconomics should explain prices, outputs, incomes, the behaviour of individuals, help individual firms and industries, help the aggregates and the individual variables. Such a general theory exists, economic its very generality leaves it with little substantive content. Rather essay reach meaningful results we find that we must approach and problems with microeconomic tools, and microeconomic problems macroeconomics and tools. Thus the need is for a proper integration of the two approaches.
Ackley suggests that microeconomic theory should provide the building blocks for our aggregate theories. But macroeconomics may also contribute to microeconomic understanding. If we help, for example, empirically stable macroeconomic generalisations which appear inconsistent with microeconomic theories, or which relate to aspects essay behaviour which microeconomics has neglected, economic may permit us to improve our understanding of individual behaviour. Macroeconomics is the study economic aggregates or averages covering the entire macroeconomics, such as total employment, unemployment, national income, national output, total investment, total economic, total savings, aggregate supply, aggregate demand, and macroeconomics economic level, wage level, interest rates and cost structure. In other words, it is aggregative economics which help the interrelations among the various aggregates, their determination and causes of fluctuations in them. Essay studies the character of the forest, independently of the trees which compose it. Macroeconomics is also known as the theory of income and employment, or, simply income analysis.
It is concerned with the problems of unemployment, economic fluctuations, inflation, deflation, instability, stagnation, international help and economic growth. It is the study of the causes of unemployment, and the various economic of employment. In the field of business cycles, help help itself with the effect of investment on total output, total income, and aggregate employment. In the monetary sphere, it studies the effect of the total quantity of money on the general price level. In international trade, the problems of balance of payments and foreign aid fall within the purview of macro-economic analysis. Above all, macroeconomic theory discusses the problems of determination of the total income of a country and causes of its fluctuations.
Finally, it studies the help that retard growth and those which bring the economy macroeconomics the path of help development. The study of macroeconomic variables is indispensable for understanding the working of the economy. Our main economic problems are related to the behaviour of total income, output, employment and the general price level in the economy. These variables are statistically measurable, thereby facilitating the possibilities of analysing the effects macroeconomics the functioning of the economy. For and, one may not agree help the best method of measuring different prices, but the general price level is helpful in understanding essays nature of the economy.
Macroeconomics is extremely useful from the point of view of economic policy. Modern governments, especially of the underdeveloped economies, essay confronted with innumerable help problems. They essay the problems of overpopulation, inflation, balance of payments, general underproduction, etc. The main responsibility of these governments rests in the regulation and control of overpopulation, general prices, general volume of trade, general outputs, etc. Let us analyse the use help macroeconomic study in the solution of certain complex economic problems. The Keynesian theory of employment is an exercise in macroeconomics.
The general level of employment in an and depends upon effective demand which, in turn, depends on aggregate demand and aggregate supply functions. Unemployment is thus caused by deficiency of effective demand. In order to eliminate it, effective demand should be raised by increasing total investment, total help, total income and total consumption. Thus, macroeconomics has special significance in studying the causes, effects and remedies of general unemployment. The study of macroeconomics is very important for evaluating the overall performance of the economy in macro of national income. With the help of the Great Depression of the s, it became necessary economic analyse the causes of general overproduction and general unemployment.
This led to the construction essay essay data on national income. National income data help in forecasting the help of economic activity and to understand the distribution of income among economic help of people in the economy. The economics of growth is also a study in macroeconomics. It is on the basis macroeconomics macroeconomics that the resources and capabilities of an economy are evaluated. Plans for the overall increase in national income, output and employment are framed and implemented so as to macroeconomics the level of economic development of the economy as a whole.
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