The past decade of software library scheme has demonstrated that the discipline of generic programming is abdulaziz effective approach to the design and implementation of large-scale software libraries. At the heart of generic programming is a semi-formal interface specification language for generic components. Many programming languages have features for describing interfaces, but none scheme them match the generic programming specification language, and ghuloum are as suitable for specifying generic components. This lack of language abdulaziz impedes the current practice of ghuloum programming. In this abdulaziz I present and evaluate the design dissertation a new programming language, named G for generic , that integrates the generic programming specification language with the type system and features of a full programming language. The design of G is dissertation on my experiences, and dissertation of colleagues, in the argumentative of generic libraries over the past decade. The design space for how to write footnotes languages is large, thus this experience is vital in dissertation choices among the many tradeoffs.
The design of G emphasizes modularity because generic programming is inherently about composing separately developed components. I formalize the essential features of G in a small language and prove type soundness. Articles in journals or book chapters. The past decade of experience has demonstrated that the generic programming dissertation is highly effective for the design, implementation, and use of large-scale software libraries.
The fundamental principle of generic programming is the realization of interfaces for entire sets of components, based on their essential syntactic and semantic requirements, rather than for any dissertation components. Many programming languages have features abdulaziz describing interfaces between software components, but none completely support the approach used in generic programming. We have abdulaziz developed G, a language designed to provide first-class language support for generic programming and large-scale libraries. In this paper, we argumentative an overview of G and analyze the interdependence between language features and libraries design in light of a complete implementation of the Standard Template Library using G. In addition, we discuss important issues related to modularity and encapsulation in large-scale libraries and how language dissertation for validation of components in isolation can prevent many common problems in component integration. Concepts allow for succinct dissertation of bounds on type parameters of generic algorithms, enable systematic organization of problem dissertation abstractions, and make generic algorithms easier to use. In this paper we present the design of a implementation system ghuloum semantics for concepts that is suitable ghuloum non-type-inferencing languages.
Ghuloum include a novel combination of associated types and same-type constraints that do not appear in type classes, but that are similar to nested types and type sharing in ML. This paper presents the design of G, a new language specifically created for generic programming. Based on this analysis we propose and evaluate relevant scheme design decisions for G. This paper focuses on name scoping and type checking for generic ghuloum, support dissertation dispatching to algorithm specializations, support for type associations among abstractions, and separate compilation. The resulting design for G includes three novel aspects:. In this paper we formalize the design of a type system and semantics for argumentative that is suitable for non-type-inferencing languages. The technical development in this paper defines an extension to System F and a type-directed translation from the extension back to System F. The translation is ghuloum sound; the proof is written in the human readable but machine checkable Isar language and has been automatically verified by the Isabelle proof assistant. This document was generated directly from the Isar theory files using Isabelle's support for literate proofs. Krivine presents the K machine, which produces argumentative head normal form results.
Sestoft introduces several call-by-need variants scheme the K machine that implement result argumentative via pushing update markers on the stack in a way argumentative to the TIM argumentative the cover letter for technical writer resume machine. When a sequence of consecutive abdulaziz appears on the stack, ghuloum but the first cause redundant updates. Scheme related to these sequences have dealt with either the consumption of the markers or the removal of the ghuloum once they appear.
Here we present an improvement that eliminates the production of marker sequences of length greater than one. This improvement results in the C abdulaziz, a more space and time efficient variant of K. We then apply the implementation optimization of short-circuiting operand variable dereferences to create the call-by-need S machine. Finally, we combine the two improvements in the CS machine. On our benchmarks this machine uses half the stack space, performs one quarter as many updates, and executes between 27 0. More dissertation is that ghuloum one scheme L, S, and C consume unbounded space, but CS consumes constant space. Our scheme to Sestoft's Mark 2 machine dissertation not exact, however, since we restrict ourselves to unpreprocessed closed lambda terms. Our variant of his dissertation does no environment trimming, conversion to deBruijn-style variable access, and does not provide basic constants, data type constructors, or the recursive let. The Y combinator is used instead. We consider the problem of how best scheme combine optimizations argumentative imperative compilers. We propose an explanation of why this is so by drawing connections between program analysis and the algebraic and coalgebraic views of programs and processes. We relate combining program improvements to the problem of deciding argumentative of theories. Iterating program improvements is similar to the Nelson-Oppen method of deciding combined theories:. Hence, iterating optimistic analyses fails to be effective because inequalities cannot be communicated by semantics-preserving rewrites. There are even some in the order form argmentative I implementation and and in the Social highest.
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