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Generating one-pass semantic analysis for a compiler. Incremental attribute evaluation and parsing based on ECLR-attributed grammars. Experiences in using Estelle in X. Attribute grammars for one-pass compilation.
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Science special computer to speed certain internal sort algorithms. Studies on the efficiency of certain internal sort algorithms. On computer and its dependence on input data. On the correctness of refinement steps in program development. A Martti Tienari toim:. Describing transfer of control with the help of definitional interpreters. A Martti Tienari ed:. A Matti Ketonen toim:. Laudaturtutkielma A Tuomo Orpana:. Laudaturtutkielma A Jorma Sajaniemi:. An extension of Algol with variable precision floating-point algorithm. Laudaturtutkielma A Seppo Linnainmaa:.
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